We all would love to work from home and use the internet to generate income streams. Who actually enjoys getting up early for work? Who wants to be away from their families for 40 plus hours a week? Basically no one wants to work for someone else but some of us feel like we have no choice. Then there are those of us who realize that we do have a choice and decide to take action.
The action I am referring to is starting your own business, in this case an online business. With an online business you can eliminate the commute to and from work while you can also create multiple streams of income that are working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only problem is people believe that all they have to do is put up a website and "voila". To be an internet marketer does not require special skills or talents. The only thing you really need is a system . A system to bring traffic to your site, and a system to sell to the buyers once they have shown interest. It is not rocket science and before I got myself a mentor and learned the basics, I struggled greatly at this business. So I want to give everyone who is new to online marketing 5 steps that they should take immediately to ensure success.
1. Know your why. Ask yourself why do you want to start an online business. Do you want to be able to spend more time with your family? Maybe you just want an extra $500 a month to take care of a car note. Whatever your reason is, you must clearly state it and write it down. Once you have your reasons of why you want to work for yourself and have written them down, be sure to place this list somewhere you can see it everyday. My top reason for working from home is my sons. I promised to myself that I would not miss anything important to my sons due to work. For years, me working night shift kept me away from my oldest son. My youngest was a newborn when I was laid off and it was then I realized at least one parent should be home with their children. I placed my "why" list on the wall by my bed so every morning and night I see why failure is not an option.
2. Set goals for yourself and your business. I know this sounds cliche' but setting goals is necessary if you want success in any area of your life. Setting goals is more than just saying what you want to do. You have to write down your goals and when you want to achieve them by. It also helps to write how you will feel once this goal is accomplished and the exact steps you are going to take to reach this goal. When I first started working from home I was collecting unemployment checks because I was laid off. My first goal was to replace my unemployment check. I gave myself four months to accomplish this goal. I knew once I was able to replace my current income with my online income that I would feel empowered and ready to take my business to the next level. I would feel good about myself and more confident. So I wrote those feelings down and thought as if I had already achieved my goal. In order to replace my unemployment check I needed to bring 59 people into my business. I had 120 days to get 59 people to come to my website and become a part of my team. This came out to 1 person every two days. That made my goal seem more attainable when I broke it down like that. Then, all I had to worry about was getting traffic to my site. The law of averages lets me know that if I get 100 people to my site per day, chances are at least 1 is going to make a purchase.
3. Get into the successful mind state. Success is not determined by your status or how much money you make. Success is an internal attitude on how you view life. They say birds of a feather flock together. Negative people usually tend to stick together. Lazy people usually hang out with other lazy people. Intelligent people enjoy being in the presence of people on the same intellectual level as themselves. The point I am trying to make is, you need to think like you are already successful in life. Find others who are successful in your eyes and keep them close. However you think will manifest in your life. If you complain from the time you wake until you lay down at night, and keep a negative outlook on life. Guess what? That is what you will get from life. More complaints and negativity. The moment I began thinking like I was a success, things started happening for me. Of course it takes action on your behalf, but your mind state is the foundation to success. As a man thinketh so he is.
4. Know your peak times and capitalize on them. Before I started my online business, I worked the graveyard shift for 9 years. During this time my body became adapted to being up all night and the evenings became my peak time. This was when I would have the most energy and enthusiasm. Some people love the mornings. I hate getting up before 9 a.m. but I have learned that getting up early is more beneficial to me. I say to know your peak times because this is when most of your tasks should be completed. When I first got into this business I would stay up all night working at my computer. This is when I felt like I had the most energy and was able to really focus. This would have worked out fine if I did not have kids. Since I do have kids, I realized that it is not fair for me to stay up all night working on my business to only be tired the next day. I might as well keep working night shift for someone else. Over a period of time I got my body back on a normal schedule and now mid mornings are my peak times. I get up, fix my sons breakfast, workout, and then I am ready to start my work day. That is the beauty of working from home, you are the boss and you set the schedule. That is also the hard part about working from home. You have to be disciplined and understand that money is not going to be handed to you just because you have a website. I know we hear so much about running a business on auto-pilot and making money while you sleep. This can be achieved, you can have your online business on auto-pilot. It just takes time and hard work to reach this point. So figure out the times of the day when you have the most energy and focus and make that your time to get things done.
5. Get a mentor. This is probably one of the most critical steps that online marketers fail to take. I started out the same way thinking I could just research and learn as I go. The problem is, there is so much information on the internet and so many marketers competing for your business, it is so easy to lose focus. You have many people who start in one business and because they don't have a mentor or someone to answer their questions, they wind up jumping from program to program. I did this for a while until I realized that it doesn't matter what you are promoting. What matters more is how you promote it and your sales system. You do not have to pay for a mentor unless you can afford it. Just find someone who is doing what you want to do online and ask them to hold your hand or give you some type of support. If you want to earn $1000 a month from home, you need to find someone who is making at least $5000 a month from home and do your best to mimic their efforts and strategies. So if you are going to sell affiliate products, find someone who has a proven record for selling affiliate products. If you want to start network marketing, find network marketers who have strong organizations and plug into their exact system. Whatever you choose for your online business, follow these five steps first to basically guarantee your success.
The action I am referring to is starting your own business, in this case an online business. With an online business you can eliminate the commute to and from work while you can also create multiple streams of income that are working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only problem is people believe that all they have to do is put up a website and "voila". To be an internet marketer does not require special skills or talents. The only thing you really need is a system . A system to bring traffic to your site, and a system to sell to the buyers once they have shown interest. It is not rocket science and before I got myself a mentor and learned the basics, I struggled greatly at this business. So I want to give everyone who is new to online marketing 5 steps that they should take immediately to ensure success.
1. Know your why. Ask yourself why do you want to start an online business. Do you want to be able to spend more time with your family? Maybe you just want an extra $500 a month to take care of a car note. Whatever your reason is, you must clearly state it and write it down. Once you have your reasons of why you want to work for yourself and have written them down, be sure to place this list somewhere you can see it everyday. My top reason for working from home is my sons. I promised to myself that I would not miss anything important to my sons due to work. For years, me working night shift kept me away from my oldest son. My youngest was a newborn when I was laid off and it was then I realized at least one parent should be home with their children. I placed my "why" list on the wall by my bed so every morning and night I see why failure is not an option.
2. Set goals for yourself and your business. I know this sounds cliche' but setting goals is necessary if you want success in any area of your life. Setting goals is more than just saying what you want to do. You have to write down your goals and when you want to achieve them by. It also helps to write how you will feel once this goal is accomplished and the exact steps you are going to take to reach this goal. When I first started working from home I was collecting unemployment checks because I was laid off. My first goal was to replace my unemployment check. I gave myself four months to accomplish this goal. I knew once I was able to replace my current income with my online income that I would feel empowered and ready to take my business to the next level. I would feel good about myself and more confident. So I wrote those feelings down and thought as if I had already achieved my goal. In order to replace my unemployment check I needed to bring 59 people into my business. I had 120 days to get 59 people to come to my website and become a part of my team. This came out to 1 person every two days. That made my goal seem more attainable when I broke it down like that. Then, all I had to worry about was getting traffic to my site. The law of averages lets me know that if I get 100 people to my site per day, chances are at least 1 is going to make a purchase.
3. Get into the successful mind state. Success is not determined by your status or how much money you make. Success is an internal attitude on how you view life. They say birds of a feather flock together. Negative people usually tend to stick together. Lazy people usually hang out with other lazy people. Intelligent people enjoy being in the presence of people on the same intellectual level as themselves. The point I am trying to make is, you need to think like you are already successful in life. Find others who are successful in your eyes and keep them close. However you think will manifest in your life. If you complain from the time you wake until you lay down at night, and keep a negative outlook on life. Guess what? That is what you will get from life. More complaints and negativity. The moment I began thinking like I was a success, things started happening for me. Of course it takes action on your behalf, but your mind state is the foundation to success. As a man thinketh so he is.
4. Know your peak times and capitalize on them. Before I started my online business, I worked the graveyard shift for 9 years. During this time my body became adapted to being up all night and the evenings became my peak time. This was when I would have the most energy and enthusiasm. Some people love the mornings. I hate getting up before 9 a.m. but I have learned that getting up early is more beneficial to me. I say to know your peak times because this is when most of your tasks should be completed. When I first got into this business I would stay up all night working at my computer. This is when I felt like I had the most energy and was able to really focus. This would have worked out fine if I did not have kids. Since I do have kids, I realized that it is not fair for me to stay up all night working on my business to only be tired the next day. I might as well keep working night shift for someone else. Over a period of time I got my body back on a normal schedule and now mid mornings are my peak times. I get up, fix my sons breakfast, workout, and then I am ready to start my work day. That is the beauty of working from home, you are the boss and you set the schedule. That is also the hard part about working from home. You have to be disciplined and understand that money is not going to be handed to you just because you have a website. I know we hear so much about running a business on auto-pilot and making money while you sleep. This can be achieved, you can have your online business on auto-pilot. It just takes time and hard work to reach this point. So figure out the times of the day when you have the most energy and focus and make that your time to get things done.
5. Get a mentor. This is probably one of the most critical steps that online marketers fail to take. I started out the same way thinking I could just research and learn as I go. The problem is, there is so much information on the internet and so many marketers competing for your business, it is so easy to lose focus. You have many people who start in one business and because they don't have a mentor or someone to answer their questions, they wind up jumping from program to program. I did this for a while until I realized that it doesn't matter what you are promoting. What matters more is how you promote it and your sales system. You do not have to pay for a mentor unless you can afford it. Just find someone who is doing what you want to do online and ask them to hold your hand or give you some type of support. If you want to earn $1000 a month from home, you need to find someone who is making at least $5000 a month from home and do your best to mimic their efforts and strategies. So if you are going to sell affiliate products, find someone who has a proven record for selling affiliate products. If you want to start network marketing, find network marketers who have strong organizations and plug into their exact system. Whatever you choose for your online business, follow these five steps first to basically guarantee your success.