Perhaps you are new in the network marketing business and you want to initially try the product, read everything you can about the company, understand fully about the compensation plan and memorize the names of the "top dogs" in the company.
That is just not the way to do it. Like riding a bike, you don't read the best manual on riding or learn the moment you peddle. You do learn by falling down and when you fall down the first time, you learn how not to fall down again.
Don't read every book in the industry. Most MLM companies will recommend that you read what is on their provided list and that can be helpful for a newbie. Learning to develop good reading habits is worth the time and trouble but don't think the more books you read the better you will be at making money. It will not work that way and will actually impeded growth by nurturing a team effort in a potential successful business venture.
Perhaps you don't think you will be good at this business venture and want to understand all there is to know about it. Perhaps you feel a bit apprehensive and choose to read about an interesting MLM rather than socialize. You first book read will not guarantee a hefty income but the mistaken notion that reading more will guarantee success. Books merely work for the author of said book, but not necessarily so for the reader.
It would be foolish to quit your job and not have the financial support in order to succeed in networking marketing. After all it is like any other business venture and with network marketing, any form of financial pressure may undermine potential prospects because your view is on the money making aspect and not taking in the entire scheme of things. If your income in this MLM business is at least double what you had made in your nine to five, only than should you consider handing in your resignation.
Reading all book available, not meeting people and allowing feelings of ignorance, fear and frustration guide you will definitely impede your success in any MLM company. Recommended reading are mostly self help books which entails self improvement when learning about network marketing and will help in avoiding some common mistakes when searching for that "just right" company to become a part of.
That is just not the way to do it. Like riding a bike, you don't read the best manual on riding or learn the moment you peddle. You do learn by falling down and when you fall down the first time, you learn how not to fall down again.
Don't read every book in the industry. Most MLM companies will recommend that you read what is on their provided list and that can be helpful for a newbie. Learning to develop good reading habits is worth the time and trouble but don't think the more books you read the better you will be at making money. It will not work that way and will actually impeded growth by nurturing a team effort in a potential successful business venture.
Perhaps you don't think you will be good at this business venture and want to understand all there is to know about it. Perhaps you feel a bit apprehensive and choose to read about an interesting MLM rather than socialize. You first book read will not guarantee a hefty income but the mistaken notion that reading more will guarantee success. Books merely work for the author of said book, but not necessarily so for the reader.
It would be foolish to quit your job and not have the financial support in order to succeed in networking marketing. After all it is like any other business venture and with network marketing, any form of financial pressure may undermine potential prospects because your view is on the money making aspect and not taking in the entire scheme of things. If your income in this MLM business is at least double what you had made in your nine to five, only than should you consider handing in your resignation.
Reading all book available, not meeting people and allowing feelings of ignorance, fear and frustration guide you will definitely impede your success in any MLM company. Recommended reading are mostly self help books which entails self improvement when learning about network marketing and will help in avoiding some common mistakes when searching for that "just right" company to become a part of.