- 1). Inflate the tube by blowing into the valve until the tube is firm. Have the child step into the leg holes, and pull the tube up to the waist, then have the child stick her arms through the shoulder straps. Some models may have a zipper on the back; if so, zip the back up.
- 2). Step into the water with the child slowly and gently. Younger children may be very frightened of water so comfort them as you get into the water alongside them. Confirm that you're going to be right there the whole time and won't let go.
- 3). Instruct the child to lean forward slightly and kick his feet. Place your hand on the stomach, just above the tube, and let the child lean on your hand. Have him kick his feet as you move him around.
- 4). Instruct the child to use her arms to paddle in a forward stroke while kicking her feet. Keep your hand on her stomach and move her around the pool.
- 5). Continue to move the child around the pool while he kicks and paddles, then remove your hand but stay close by and see how comfortable he feels. If the child isn't ready for you to take the hand away, he'll let you know. Keep repeating the process until the child feels comfortable swimming on his own with the tube trainer.