- Many asthmatics swear by the use of green tea or herbal tea for opening of their bronchial tubes while they are having difficulty breathing. Herbalists say chamomile tea can help open passageways as well and serves as a decongestant. Many asthmatics also use ginger root to cut down on coughing and congestion and honey (especially in water or tea) is used by herbalists around the world to help cut down on breathing difficulties. While herbal remedies can help if incorporated into your daily routine of controlling your asthma, do not use them in an attack situation and instead get emergency help.
- Avoiding triggers is a natural, easy way to control your asthma. Each asthmatic will have different triggers, and discovering which ones cause your asthma to flare can be a long, challenging process of elimination, but once you've discovered what makes you sick, you can avoid that thing and breathe a little easier. Smoke and pet hair are often triggers, but pollen and dust, extreme heat and cold climates, humidity, strong odors or chemicals, paint, fragrances, household cleansers and perfumes are also common triggers. Many asthmatics have food sensitivities as well and see nutritionists and pulmonary specialists to find out which foods are causing their asthma to worsen. It is a long, arduous process, but successfully avoiding your triggers can bring an asthmatic a happier, healthier life.
- Asthma is caused by both environmental factors and emotional ones. Stress causes the airways to clog with mucus, making it feel as though the asthmatic is breathing through a straw. It helps to learn to control the stress and emotion by relaxing; if you relax, it makes sense to believe that your airways are relaxing as well. Take slow, deep breaths through your nose, and out through your mouth. Make an appointment with a massage therapist if your chest feels tight on a regular basis. Acupuncture is also a treatment some asthmatics believe is beneficial to their breathing. Many asthmatics also practice yoga and meditation to center themselves and relieve the tension of the day. Whatever your natural choices, remember that you should always seek the attention of a doctor immediately if you start having an attack and never try to cure your condition yourself if you are in trouble.
Herbal Remedies for Asthma
Avoid Triggers
Massage & Stress Relief