Fleas are insects that are dark brown in color and are very tiny.
These insects are frequent exploiters of your pet's body especially if your friend is too fuzzy.
When your dog gets in a tussle with his buddy, he is sure to roll over in mud, swamp and you name it! The stagnated water and brackish water areas are the best breeding place of fleas.
The fleas don't have wings but have strong hind limbs.
With the help of these hind limbs they jump onto the animal's body.
The fleas like to breed in places where the humidity is high.
But they also hate sunlight.
This means they are found aplenty in dense unclean areas.
Scratching is a sign! Your dog might have the habit of scratching his body for no reason.
There are certain things to notice to make sure that the reason for the scratching is because of fleas.
The fleas would be found in very furry areas of the pet's body.
They are likely to leave behind flea dirt.
The flea dirt is the feces of the fleas and they turn into a red color when placed on wet paper.
This should be a suitable indication that your dog has fleas.
Controlling fleas from entering into your house is very important because of the fact that fleas are carriers of tapeworms, which can cause intestinal problems to both you and your pet.
The life cycle of a flea worm is quite short and it has four stages.
An adult female flea can lay up to twenty eggs per day in a summer season.
These eggs are not sticky and hence get dispersed from the body of the pet.
The eggs hatch to form larva, which is the ideal stage for us to identify and get rid of them.
They develop into pupae and finally the adult flea is formed.
All this could happen within a fortnight! The saliva of the flea could cause allergic reactions in most dogs and when swallowed, the tapeworms could get embedded in the intestine of the dogs, sucking away their health.
Dogs must be taken for regular visits to the vet and flea prevention medicines should be administered at the consultation of the vet.
Because of the relatively short life cycle of the flea insect, it is imperative that the pet be treated for fleas at least once a month.
Keeping your house clean is important! The house should be kept clean and neat.
Certain chemical sprays could be used to fight fleas in the house.
Keeping the house clean of fleas should be the first priority for better health of both the pet and the family.
Some natural flea control medicines are available in pet med stores that could be administered to your pets with minimal allergic reactions.
Also natural meds come in the form of liquids and collars.
Making your dog take pills could be a tough job though.
Giving your dog a bath regularly could be a wise choice if the breed of the dog you own is not averse to it.
Some dogs hate bathing.
But the least you can do is brush the fur of the dog when he has finished his regular walk! A person who really loves his dog would not want to see it bogged down by any illness and fleas are the most irritating things in the life of a dog.
In addition to that, fleas could possibly carry parasites, which would harm us human beings too.
This should be more than reason enough to consider flea control a serious problem.
These insects are frequent exploiters of your pet's body especially if your friend is too fuzzy.
When your dog gets in a tussle with his buddy, he is sure to roll over in mud, swamp and you name it! The stagnated water and brackish water areas are the best breeding place of fleas.
The fleas don't have wings but have strong hind limbs.
With the help of these hind limbs they jump onto the animal's body.
The fleas like to breed in places where the humidity is high.
But they also hate sunlight.
This means they are found aplenty in dense unclean areas.
Scratching is a sign! Your dog might have the habit of scratching his body for no reason.
There are certain things to notice to make sure that the reason for the scratching is because of fleas.
The fleas would be found in very furry areas of the pet's body.
They are likely to leave behind flea dirt.
The flea dirt is the feces of the fleas and they turn into a red color when placed on wet paper.
This should be a suitable indication that your dog has fleas.
Controlling fleas from entering into your house is very important because of the fact that fleas are carriers of tapeworms, which can cause intestinal problems to both you and your pet.
The life cycle of a flea worm is quite short and it has four stages.
An adult female flea can lay up to twenty eggs per day in a summer season.
These eggs are not sticky and hence get dispersed from the body of the pet.
The eggs hatch to form larva, which is the ideal stage for us to identify and get rid of them.
They develop into pupae and finally the adult flea is formed.
All this could happen within a fortnight! The saliva of the flea could cause allergic reactions in most dogs and when swallowed, the tapeworms could get embedded in the intestine of the dogs, sucking away their health.
Dogs must be taken for regular visits to the vet and flea prevention medicines should be administered at the consultation of the vet.
Because of the relatively short life cycle of the flea insect, it is imperative that the pet be treated for fleas at least once a month.
Keeping your house clean is important! The house should be kept clean and neat.
Certain chemical sprays could be used to fight fleas in the house.
Keeping the house clean of fleas should be the first priority for better health of both the pet and the family.
Some natural flea control medicines are available in pet med stores that could be administered to your pets with minimal allergic reactions.
Also natural meds come in the form of liquids and collars.
Making your dog take pills could be a tough job though.
Giving your dog a bath regularly could be a wise choice if the breed of the dog you own is not averse to it.
Some dogs hate bathing.
But the least you can do is brush the fur of the dog when he has finished his regular walk! A person who really loves his dog would not want to see it bogged down by any illness and fleas are the most irritating things in the life of a dog.
In addition to that, fleas could possibly carry parasites, which would harm us human beings too.
This should be more than reason enough to consider flea control a serious problem.