Are you one of those women whose self esteem has taken a beating because of vaginal odor? Are you finding it frustrating to stay away from your male partner because of your smelly vagina? Rather than being under confident and frustrated would it not be better for you to find a permanent cure? Trust me you can easily overcome this problem with the help of bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods.
Vaginal odor which is kind of fishy smelling is a common symptom of vaginosis.
Try out the following simple remedies for quick relief from smelly vagina 1.
Protected sex Ensure that your partner uses a condom while having sexual intercourse.
Use condoms even if you are using other methods of contraception.
Scratching Itching is a common problem associated with vaginosis.
However ensure that you do not scratch the vagina as it will worsen your condition.
Wear boxer shorts at night which will ensure proper air circulation and provide some kind of relief.
From hygiene point of view it also makes sense to keep your finger nails short.
Cranberry juice Due to its strong acidic properties, cranberry juice is the best remedy to tackle bacterial vaginosis.
Consuming pure and fresh cranberry juice daily can keep the bad bacteria away and stop it from multiplying in the vagina.
Probiotic yogurt Probiotic yogurt is another very effective bacterial vaginosis home remedy.
In case of oral consumption you must have 3-4 cups each day.
Alternatively you can use it for direct vaginal application by soaking a tampon in plain, unflavored yogurt and inserting into the vagina.
I got rid of my vaginosis with the help of a natural method outlined in a guide that I purchased online.
This guide provided me natural ideas which can actually be implemented by anyone to get rid of vaginal odor.
It also contains bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas to prevent the infection and its recurrence.
Vaginal odor which is kind of fishy smelling is a common symptom of vaginosis.
Try out the following simple remedies for quick relief from smelly vagina 1.
Protected sex Ensure that your partner uses a condom while having sexual intercourse.
Use condoms even if you are using other methods of contraception.
Scratching Itching is a common problem associated with vaginosis.
However ensure that you do not scratch the vagina as it will worsen your condition.
Wear boxer shorts at night which will ensure proper air circulation and provide some kind of relief.
From hygiene point of view it also makes sense to keep your finger nails short.
Cranberry juice Due to its strong acidic properties, cranberry juice is the best remedy to tackle bacterial vaginosis.
Consuming pure and fresh cranberry juice daily can keep the bad bacteria away and stop it from multiplying in the vagina.
Probiotic yogurt Probiotic yogurt is another very effective bacterial vaginosis home remedy.
In case of oral consumption you must have 3-4 cups each day.
Alternatively you can use it for direct vaginal application by soaking a tampon in plain, unflavored yogurt and inserting into the vagina.
I got rid of my vaginosis with the help of a natural method outlined in a guide that I purchased online.
This guide provided me natural ideas which can actually be implemented by anyone to get rid of vaginal odor.
It also contains bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas to prevent the infection and its recurrence.