Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

What Causes Bleeding Piles And Can You Reduce Or Stop This From Happening?

Bleeding piles can be an embarrassing and difficult subject.
However, there are millions of people suffering from piles everyday.
So, what are piles and why do they bleed? Piles are swelling of the veins in the rectum.
These veins are thin and, when swollen, can burst and cause bleeding piles.
Here is a list of the more common reasons why piles start to swell:
  • Constipation or hard stools - These can cause pressure and swelling from all the straining during a bowl movement.
  • Pregnancy - It is very common to get bleeding piles while pregnant.
    This is because the weight of the fetus ads pressure to the veins in the rectal area.
  • Alcohol consumption or alcoholism - Too much alcohol can dehydrate the body and cause hard stool and constipation.
    Again, the pressure caused by straining will cause your piles to swell.
  • Being over weight or obese - This will cause the piles to swell just from the pressure of carrying around all the extra weight.
    Plus, the strain of just moving around and the poor diet that leads to constipation.
  • Lifting heavy objects the wrong way - If you have been to the gym and tried to lift something heavy during your lift, you might have held your breath while straining.
    This is a huge mistake.
    If you hold your breath when lifting a heavy object, you are forcing blood into the lower region of the body.
    This will cause the veins to swell and cause bleeding piles.
  • Sneezing or coughing - Have you ever held your nose closed during a sneeze? If so, you might have noticed that you are light headed afterwards.
    This is because when you sneeze, the upper body muscles contract.
    If you hold in the sneeze, you will force the blood into the lower region.
    This will cause the veins to swell and possibly bleed.
So, how can you reduce or even stop the piles from bleeding?
  • Take a warm 15-minute sitz bath.
    This will feel very soothing and will help reduce the swelling.
    Follow that up with an ice pack directly on the anus.
    Ice will help the clotting process and reduce the swelling.
  • Change your diet - Stop eating processed foods and start eating natural high-fiber foods like fruits and green vegetables.
    Also, increase the amount of water you drink.
    Try to start drinking a full 8-ounce glass of water before, during, and after every meal.
    By eating more fiber and drinking more water, you will soften your stools and make your bowel movements a lot easier and more regular.
    Drinking a full glass of water before your meal will help fill you up so you don't eat as much, and you may even lose weight.
  • Start walking every day - Walking will help you lose weight and help with digestion and get things moving in the right direction.
    It will also help with blood circulation and will help reduce the swelling of piles.
    The swelling is caused by blood being forced into the lower area.
    So if you walk and get exercise, you will increase the circulation and keep blood from pooling and causing swelling.
  • Stop drinking alcohol - If you are suffering from bleeding piles, you should cut back on or completely stop drinking alcohol.
  • Do not take aspirin.
    Aspirin is a blood thinner and will make it harder for the blood to clot and for the bleeding to stop.
I hope this will help you with your bleeding piles!
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