Business & Finance Corporations

Entrepreneur Consulting Options, Part 4

Your Entrepreneur Consulting Must Include Marketing And Sales A friend and mentor did a wonderful job of boiling down the whole sales and marketing process to four things.
1) Generate Traffic 2) Turn Traffic Into Leads 3) Convert Leads To Sales 4) Do It All Over Again While we often get lost in all the fancy and complicated issues associated with social media and Search Engine Optimization.
We tend to forget to test what we do against these basic principals.
We are attempting to establish how to set up a Facebook page and how to tweet, when we don't even know if either of those things are going to create traffic.
So, while I'm sure there is incredible value in social media and other forms of marketing.
You need to make sure that before you make that leap into a new area, that you have the fundamentals in place.
Do You Know What Your Customer Wants? This is often where we really get into trouble these days.
We forget that the basics of marketing have been the same for over one hundred years.
It's as easy as, finding a need and filling it.
It's essential to be empathetic to your buyers wants and needs before you decide to tweet them, friend them or otherwise, blast them half to death with stuff they do not care about.
Why would someone plan to buy your product in the first place? Is it going to relieve a pain in their business or personal life? Is your product or service going to produce a pleasure in your potential customers business or personal life? Bottom line, how do you know if either or both are true? If you don't know, then expect not to be successful, unless you happen to be darn lucky.
You also need to develop relationships with the people you want as customers.
Again, this has been true for ever.
People buy from people they know, like and trust.
While they don't get the chance to meet with you face to face when you are using social media, they still get the chance to know who you are.
If all they see from you when they log on is a bunch of sales hype, they'll be turned off.
That's even worse with social media then in person, because your prospect is inundated with sales hype from every corner of the Online world all the time.
Heaven help them if they made the mistake of filling out a form to learn about business opportunities.
Here's A Great Tip If you intend on using social media, apply it initially for marketing, not sales.
Create relationships and have your new friends help you to determine ways to best sell to them and other folks in their industry.
Once you have gotten to know them, ask them for feedback on your products, services, ideas and strategies.
When you make them a part of the process, they are going to begin to take ownership.
As they feel more and more like they are part of your team, two amazing things will happen.
1) They will purchase your products, because they will feel like they are part of the company and had a hand in the product decisions.
2) Now this really is the really cool part! Once they have pride of ownership for ideas within your company, they will start to promote your company.
All of a sudden, you'll have an excellent sales force that you do not have to pay for and is highly trusted.
This is the tip of the iceberg, but in the following segment of entrepreneur consulting, we'll get into the particulars of traffic generation, conversion to leads and ultimately to sales.
So hang in there with me, it will get really good from here.
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