Business & Finance Corporations

Could a Lawn Care Business Be Right For You?

Providing a lawn care service in your local area can offer you an opportunity to become financially successful through self-employment.
Would you like to be your own employer? Do you want to run your own business and on your own terms? Choose the right neighborhood and you'll find that lawn care services are always in demand.
In fact, there are many advantages to becoming involved in this type of business.
They range from independence to low start up costs to immediate positive cash flow.
Let's say you live in the city of Mississauga and you want to offer a basic grass cutting service or regular lawn treatments to control weeds and grubs.
You could get the word out quickly just by going door to door and leaving a simple business flyer that announces your new Mississauga lawn care business.
Describe what your lawn services company specializes in and offer a limited time discount for the first 10 customers.
10 Advantages of a Local Lawn Care Business 1.
There is an easy entry to the trade.
A student with a lawnmower can be a lawn care provider.
So, too, is someone with a stenciled cube van or pickup truck and several employees.
You are your own boss.
The hours are flexible.
Within reason, you can set your own hours.
You can work out of your own home, cutting down on costs associated with a more complex business start-up.
It is outdoor work.
If you offer top quality service you will always have plenty of work.
There is room to grow.
To start up your business requires little financial outlay or investment.
Usually, you do not have to have a license.
Any specific or specialist knowledge you may require for a job, you can learn.
5 Disadvantages of a Local Lawn Care Business 1.
The workdays can be long and very weather dependent.
The winter months are slack.
Little work is required up to and following the advent of the cold season when grass becomes dormant.
The work is heavy.
It requires lifting, lugging and hauling machinery of various types.
Depending upon what type of lawn care services you offer, you may be handling toxic substances.
You may be working with potentially dangerous machinery.
You need to consider both advantages and disadvantages carefully before you decide to start-up lawn care business - or any other sort of business for that matter.
Think about this list of advantages and disadvantages and see if you can add some of your own points to these lists.
You really need to consider your own character and then try to decide if you want to run your own small business? Questions to Ask Yourself if You Are Thinking About Starting a Local Lawn Care Business oCan you work alone? If you are fond of company and/or require a push to get going, do not consider any form of self-employment let alone starting up a lawn care business.
The same applies if you spend more time procrastinating than actually working.
You need to set a schedule.
You may even have to lay out other schedules for employees.
Furthermore, this type of business sometimes demands you do the job now before the grass grows any higher or the crab grass problem becomes worse.
oAre you a self-starter? You have to be able to put together a business plan.
You must consider all the angles.
You need to be confident in your own qualities and character to start and move on the project.
oCan you initiate the project and maintain high levels of involvement from start to finish? It is not simply good enough to start out at a high level of enthusiasm and commitment.
You need to maintain a high level of energy and involvement throughout all aspects over the duration.
If you do not see to the running of all aspects of your company/business, it will not be a success.
Every business requires tweaking and ongoing maintenance.
You have to be fully engaged in the process from the initial decision to the final move to sell the company.
If you cannot commit yourself to a set period-of-time, do not begin to open a business.
oAre you good at sales? Can you sell yourself and your work? You will need to do this.
At the beginning, you will need to sell both yourself and your work.
You are new in a field where there is already competition.
You have to sell yourself to clients as being the best for the job.
You have to present yourself and your business as professional, reliable, apt and more than acceptable.
If you are a one-person-show, you will also have to sell your business on paper, on the net and in other forms of media.
You may even end up doing cable TV shows or radio talk shows to improve or garner business.
Can you handle needing to be a sales person? oAre you a people-person? If not you are wasting your time.
The lawn care business is a service industry.
By its very definition, this means you are serving other people.
Therefore, your daily work and business involves public relations as much as it does lawn care.
You must deal with people on a day-to-day basis to ensure your company is doing the right job.
You have to talk to people to obtain more customers.
You have to set up a means of communicating with possible customers.
You also have to deal with employees.
You will need to train and instruct them.
In the process, you also have enough self-awareness to know who to delegate to and when.
This also requires the psychological ability to understand the employees and their needs.
Being aware will also help you in hiring the right people for your business and firing the wrong types.
Hiring refers to not only the people you employ to work in the company but those you need to ensure you have the right logo on your vehicles, to print the business cards, to advertise your business on their web site or in print and to handle your accounts.
Listen to Your Intuition Throughout the analysis process provided above, be thoughtful and honest with your answers.
Try to be objective in your assessment of your own nature and character.
If you believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, then consider it a step in the right direction.
What is your gut feeling telling you about the possibility of becoming a lawn care contractor? If the idea really feels right then sit down with a pen and paper, or computer and printer, and set out your goals.
Start to formulate at least an elementary business plan.
These steps are an integral part towards starting up what will hopefully become a very successful local lawn care business.
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