Is It Worth It to Become a Patient-Centered Medical Home?
If you think it's worth considering the PCMH process, free information is available from a number of sources. In addition to the NCQA Website, the Website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is also worth a visit. Another resource is the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative.
BizMed, Gur-Alie's company, offers pragmatic advice, including 3 caveats for your preliminary research: "DO NOT mindlessly go through all 152 NCQA Factors answering Yes/No to all questions; DO NOT spend any money until you decide that this is something you want to do, you can do, or you absolutely have to do; DO decide on your personal roadmap to PCMH recognition."
Summing up, Madden says the PCMH designation "isn't just one more hoop to jump through; it's changing the way you manage medicine." And it's important for the role primary care physicians are to play in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), she stresses. "You have to know your practice and your patients and be the manager. If you can't present data to an ACO, you're not going to be able to get the dollars to do that appropriately."
"The PCMH puts PCPs in the driver's seat" with the ACO, Madden adds, "which is where they need to be for the next wave of change in medicine."
Where to Learn More
If you think it's worth considering the PCMH process, free information is available from a number of sources. In addition to the NCQA Website, the Website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is also worth a visit. Another resource is the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative.
BizMed, Gur-Alie's company, offers pragmatic advice, including 3 caveats for your preliminary research: "DO NOT mindlessly go through all 152 NCQA Factors answering Yes/No to all questions; DO NOT spend any money until you decide that this is something you want to do, you can do, or you absolutely have to do; DO decide on your personal roadmap to PCMH recognition."
Summing up, Madden says the PCMH designation "isn't just one more hoop to jump through; it's changing the way you manage medicine." And it's important for the role primary care physicians are to play in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), she stresses. "You have to know your practice and your patients and be the manager. If you can't present data to an ACO, you're not going to be able to get the dollars to do that appropriately."
"The PCMH puts PCPs in the driver's seat" with the ACO, Madden adds, "which is where they need to be for the next wave of change in medicine."