Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Car Accident Attorney: When To Seek Legal Advice

How long can you wait before contacting a car accident attorney? While there are no real time limits to when you can obtain legal representation, it is always a good idea to find someone that can help you as soon as possible.
When a person attempts to handle a case on their own, they often run into all types of unforeseen issues.
Without knowledge of the law and experience working with insurance companies, it can feel like running around in circles without ever making any progress.
Immediate Phone Call: The first thought after a collision should be your personal safety as well as the safety of the passengers and individuals in the other vehicles.
From there, the police usually show up at the scene and try to direct traffic away from the incident.
At this point, a police report is created and the officer will determine who is at fault.
You will receive a copy of the report as will the other driver.
If you already know that name of a car accident attorney, you can make your phone call right away.
If you are not severely injured, you can call someone and set up an appointment in the near future.
Most people are traumatized by the experience and often wait several days to make that phone call.
Contacting Someone When You Get Home: Once you are home and have had some time to recover from the shock and injuries, you probably want to make contact with a car accident attorney.
Even if the other person seems genuinely concerned and promises to pay for the damage of their insurance company is calling and offering a generous settlement, there are still benefits to talking with a lawyer.
Check for someone that offers a free initial consultation if possible.
He or she will be able to tell you whether or not you have a case worth pursuing.
You can explain what happened, present a copy of the police report and show and medical bills that you have already accumulated.
If you do have a case, this is the best time to get a car accident attorney involved.
Right now, no settlements have been made, the details are fresh in your mind and your legal representative can start working on your behalf.
Waiting to See How Things Work Out: Some people choose to wait and see how things are going to work out.
They want to call the other person's insurance company and wait to contact their own insurance company.
The goal is to handle the settlement without paying for a lawyer.
While this seems like a way to save money, it could end up backfiring.
You may end up agreeing to a settlement that will cover only the immediate expenses but not provide for issues that may come up in the future.
In essence, once you have agreed to something, you may not be able to get out of it, even with the help of a car accident attorney.
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