Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

The Slanted Perception Presented Regarding Illegal Alien-Employment Matters

If you reporters would stop to address both sides of these issues in a clear and fair manner you might arrive at a thought process that more aptly reflects the complete facts.
For instance, illegal aliens are hired by some American employers at reduced rates (slave labor) with no insurance of other benefits as opposed to an American applicant seeking a job/position with said employer.
American employers have opened the flood gates for decades of employment to and for illegal aliens because they do not want to have to pay an American applicant fair wages when they can get away with paying unfair wages to an illegal alien.
American employers/companies should be held accountable and or answerable for these practices.
Fined heavily for violating our own laws and hiring men/women and even children who are in this country illegally.
From Park Avenue in NY to the corridors of Washington, D.
tales disclose the illegal employment practices of those who do not want to have to pay taxes or pay fair wages to their domestic help and other jobs.
Causing at times for a candidate running for office to have to drop out of the race for office once this violation was disclosed.
So why don't you paint a better verbal picture of these misdeeds instead of pouring verbal fuel on this long termed unevenly presented illegal immigration/alien or whatever other name you impose on these human beings seeking a better life in a country that at times is ready to use and abuse their human rights from jump street (decades ago) to the present time frame? No one puts a gun to the head of an employer to make them hire illegal aliens or immigrants.
They do it because they want to pay as little as possible for getting the job done and it has been going on for decades.
So wake up and smell the B.
you are trying to promote.
How many jobs have been taken overseas and over the border for this very reason? Our government allowed American employers/companies to take their businesses elsewhere for the sake of greed and misdeed in operating at slave wages.
As well as not having to act responsibly or ethically with environmental issues.
Pollute one country after another.
Put humans, animals and the waters of this world in serious jeopardy because no restrictions against pollution in all of its forms is enforced.
No laws to these needs appear to exist in many of the world countries and over our own borders.
We have in our own country employers/companies who do not obey pollution laws and continue to impose their violations on our cities/towns/villages.
Why don't you write about these concerns and try reporting the truth and nothing but the truth for a change instead of inflaming an already volatile out of control perception generated by the Press where employment by illegal aliens is concerned? All one has to do ladies and gentlemen is to stop and think about these circumstances and come to the realization that if there were no jobs given to peoples no matter where they come from who are illegally in this country, we would not have the incendiary perception that American jobs are in jeopardy solely because illegal aliens are taking American jobs.
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
So too, if an employer knowingly and deliberately hires an illegal alien, then he/she/they are the perpetrators of these illegal hiring practices.
Not the alien.
Think about it.
Put yourself in the shoes of a human being who is in this country illegally.
Why did they come here? Because they heard that they can get a job here.
That some employers will give them work and so they arrive and ARE given employment.
Employment with no benefits and at a much lower rate of pay then an American employee.
So, who is really to blame here ladies and gentlemen, who is really to blame? Respectfully, Ginger Ferrer
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