Yogurt's capability to fight yeast infections becomes possible due to its capacity to break into the yeast's well-developed system that helps maintain an intra-cellular pH.
Often, it is claimed by natural medication enthusiasts that a low pH levels kill candida, whereas the truth is, candida can tolerate pH levels as low as 4 and even 3.
0! This is the reason why yeast is also found sometimes in flavored yoghurts, which may also deteriorate it sometimes.
Sweetened yoghurt has less acidity; hence supports the growth of quite a few saprophytic microorganÂisms (microorganisms that obtain food by osmosis from dissolved organic material).
Plain yogurt, on the other hand, has enough acidity to control not only candida, but also a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.
They have shown an inhibitory effect on these pathogens by producing organic acids besides a vast array of other antimicrobial substances as potential as conventional antifungal agents (e.
Normally, there is a counterbalance that exists between candida and lactobacilli.
The yeasts provide nutritional stimulation to the lactobacilli, which prevents the excessive development of Candida.
Thus, a healthy, complex balance is maintained.
The problem starts when this balance is overthrown by an excessive growth of candida within the body.
This is when unsweetened, unflavored yoghurt (with live cultures) come to use.
The recommended dose is 8 oz.
To be ingested on a daily basis, even after the infection is gone, for a week.
Alternatively, you may also take lactobacilli capsules.
An easy way to apply yoghurt in a body cavity is by freezing it in sterilized, surgical gloves.
The fingers are to be filled with the yoghurt and frozen (like a Popsicle) and then it is inserted.
Additionally, it will also cool the inflamed walls of the cavity while the probiotics (the lactobacilli) shall start the healing process.
But a word of caution here: Never mix any antibacterial or antifungal medications in the yogurt; this is signing the death warrant for the lactobacilli as well, which might turn into a bigger problem later on.
This is because the medication may also increase the tolerance of the yeast, which might become stronger for the lactobacilli to fight.
Yogurt treatment can be reinforced by a large number of methods ranging from a low-sugar and low-fat diet to cutting down on junk food; however, nothing quite beats the idea of maintaining personal hygiene such as wearing clean and dry cotton underwear that make heat and moisture pass unlike nylon that traps it in.
Often, it is claimed by natural medication enthusiasts that a low pH levels kill candida, whereas the truth is, candida can tolerate pH levels as low as 4 and even 3.
0! This is the reason why yeast is also found sometimes in flavored yoghurts, which may also deteriorate it sometimes.
Sweetened yoghurt has less acidity; hence supports the growth of quite a few saprophytic microorganÂisms (microorganisms that obtain food by osmosis from dissolved organic material).
Plain yogurt, on the other hand, has enough acidity to control not only candida, but also a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.
They have shown an inhibitory effect on these pathogens by producing organic acids besides a vast array of other antimicrobial substances as potential as conventional antifungal agents (e.
Normally, there is a counterbalance that exists between candida and lactobacilli.
The yeasts provide nutritional stimulation to the lactobacilli, which prevents the excessive development of Candida.
Thus, a healthy, complex balance is maintained.
The problem starts when this balance is overthrown by an excessive growth of candida within the body.
This is when unsweetened, unflavored yoghurt (with live cultures) come to use.
The recommended dose is 8 oz.
To be ingested on a daily basis, even after the infection is gone, for a week.
Alternatively, you may also take lactobacilli capsules.
An easy way to apply yoghurt in a body cavity is by freezing it in sterilized, surgical gloves.
The fingers are to be filled with the yoghurt and frozen (like a Popsicle) and then it is inserted.
Additionally, it will also cool the inflamed walls of the cavity while the probiotics (the lactobacilli) shall start the healing process.
But a word of caution here: Never mix any antibacterial or antifungal medications in the yogurt; this is signing the death warrant for the lactobacilli as well, which might turn into a bigger problem later on.
This is because the medication may also increase the tolerance of the yeast, which might become stronger for the lactobacilli to fight.
Yogurt treatment can be reinforced by a large number of methods ranging from a low-sugar and low-fat diet to cutting down on junk food; however, nothing quite beats the idea of maintaining personal hygiene such as wearing clean and dry cotton underwear that make heat and moisture pass unlike nylon that traps it in.