Health & Medical Anxiety

Tips for Relieving Chest Pains Caused By Stress and Anxiety

Life without stress would mean a dull experience.
Stress is the spice of life and we would have to live with it from womb to tomb.
An optimum level of stress is necessary to live happily.
All of us talk vaguely about stress and sometimes confuse it with anxiety.
But stress is different from anxiety.
We may be wondering why some people have dull existence while others spend their moments happily.
The difference lies in making the stress either your enemy or friend.
Even though technology provides leisure and material comforts, it is the monster created by us which threatens our survival by inducing negative stresses as a byproduct of technological culture.
Nature has its own way of protecting us from threats by stimulating our body hormones into action.
One who has mastered the art of controlling his hormones wisely will survive while others suffer from various illnesses.
We might have observed that when we are fretting and fuming, the color of our face changes, eyes become red, face muscles will become stiff and sometimes we will be clenching our fists.
The best remedy for making up the deficiency in stress hormones is physical exercise.
During exercise breathing becomes more rapid and in the entire process the muscle activity is also increased and stimulated, thereby mental health is improved.
The optimum stress level varies from one individual to another depending upon their efficiency in not intruding with physical or mental health.
At this level one feels fit and fine and so it is necessary.
Stress is the essence of life.
It is the master key to the lock of living and hence treats stress as your best life long friend.
Few ways to overcome stress would be: 1.
Just work on one task at a time.
Do not put yourself into multitasking as it makes you feel tremendously stressful.
Leave some space for fun and mental relaxation activities like yoga etc.
Just don't bother about few commitments which are never going to help you in any aspect.
Give importance only to the essential factors of life.
Keep yourself active by doing some exercises or just by going for a walk or playing your favorite game.
Keep yourself healthy and fit.
Quit if you have any bad habit that affects your body.
Quit one by one without rushing into.
Doing shopping is a stress buster but otherwise once your shopping is over, it causes stress again after looking at your huge bills.
Do something that don't involve spending money but reduces your stress ultimately.
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