Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Article Marketing Review - Part 5: So Many Reviews So Little Time

Article Marketing Reviews are time consuming to read and write. But what ROI do article marketing reviews provide either party for the time invested?

First A Definition: Article Marketing Reviews are articles written to either review article marketing products, services and programs or articles written to review other products, services or programs.

Typically these review articles are written by marketers to promote their product or service or a product or service they are promoting as an affiliate. As article marketing is often heralded to be a cost effective online marketing strategy the same analysis of the Return On Investment (ROI) should be applied to article marketing reviews as any other marketing spend.

How Much Do You Pay Yourself per Hour?

As business owners or operators our time is precious and we must know how much we get paid per hour, especially if we are spending that time writing article marketing reviews. If it takes you an hour to write an article and an hour to submit the article, you have your cost base - 2 hours @$100 per hour = $200 for example.

In a similar fashion if you spend 3 hours of market research online by reading article marketing reviews and eventually purchase a product based on the strength of one of these reviews you need to be clear that the cost of that product was the time spent researching PLUS the cost of the product, service or program.

The problem with writing article marketing reviews is the ability to actually track and quantify the result for the $200 you have spent to write that article. Do you measure this by the number of times the article has been viewed or published? Whilst this certainly provides an opportunity for bonding with your reader if it ultimately does not provide revenue is there any ROI associated with that bonding?

Or do you only measure the number of url clicks from your carefully crafted bio box and landing page? For example if your url points to a squeeze page with an opt in, are you then able to determine how much each lead you receive costs you to build your list?

What if you simply base your ROI on the profit generated from sales? That is clicks from the url in your bio box to your product or an affiliate product, that eventuated in an actual transaction.

ROI For Reading And Purchasing.

Calculating your time for reading article marketing reviews can be even more complex.

My motto is to keep this simple and consistent. You should decide on a method or methods that work best for you and then stick to them long term. Only after some time and with the accumulation of data are you able to start recognizing patterns of success or abuse, unless they are extreme or severe.

It is certainly advisable that you do assign a cost to the time you spend evaluating the product thereafter as well, especially if you are offered a money back guarantee. Research time , purchase price, evaluation time and refund process time all have a cost, especially considering you have so many other projects underway requiring your attentions as well.

Dont Forget To Figure The Opportunity Cost

Finally how do you evaluate and calculate the opportunity cost of both reading and writing these article marketing reviews?

In reality you need to decide a few key metrics for your article marketing efforts

* How much do pay yourself per hour?
* What are you going to measure and evaluate?
* How often are you going to do this?
* What are your revenue goals?
* How much time can you afford to spend considering all of the above.

If you think this is over complication of something very simple, I ask you to reconsider. If you are not able to identify the cost of the marketing activities how can you possibly evaluate which activates to continue with or scale and which activities are producing results.

This tracking and analysis really is the difference between a successful internet marketer and a hobbyist.
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