- Finding a talent pool of individuals is important to give you large number of qualified applicants to fill a position. To get a large number of applicants, try placing job postings on popular career searching websites such as CareerBuilder.com, Monster.com, and HotJobs.com. If you find you are not getting a large enough applicant base to choose individuals to interview, then post your advertisement on local message boards such as CraigsList and also by using bulletin boards in your local library and local stores, as well advertising the position in local newspapers.
- Conduct a quick 5- to 10-minute phone screen with the applicants you feel are worth interviewing. Find out about their career goals, how they react to pressuring situations and what they know about your company from their own research they have completed regarding the position. This can help you determine who is likely looking for a long-term position and who is just looking to find any type of paying job. It also shows you how interested the individual is in the position by the amount of research they have done on the company and the position.
- Some applicants are very good at answering generic interview questions because they have been part of many of interviews. To make sure you are getting someone who is a good match for your position and not just someone who is a good generic interviewee, ask questions that center on skills needed for the job. Give the individual three tasks he would normally have during a given work day in this job and ask how he would prioritize them. Ask questions about definitions of terms used in the job or about specific software programs or equipment used by individuals in the job that you are hiring for.
- After you interview a candidate and review your notes, you might have additional questions for the candidate. You also could find it beneficial to have another manager sit in with you, or, if the recruiter is making the hiring decision, having the employee's future manager sit in on a second interview can allow the manager give input based on his views on personality match with the position and any input on the applicant's technical ability to do the job.
Recruiting A Talent Pool To Choose From
Screen Your Applicants Before A Formal Interview
Design Interview Questions Specific To The Job
Conduct A Second Interview