- 1). Put on thick work gloves and long sleeves before attempting to prune the Mexican Fan palm. The fronds have sharp points at the tips and the dead fronds along the trunk are abrasive.
- 2). Place a ladder next to the trunk, if needed, so that you can reach the bottom of the canopy.
- 3). Examine the canopy and locate the fronds that are brown and dry, and fronds that are completely yellow but still flexible. These are all dead fronds that should be removed.
- 4). Grasp the stem of one of the dead fronds and cut it off from the trunk using loppers.
- 5). Repeat the process to remove all remaining dead limbs from the Mexican fan palm. Reposition the ladder as needed to work your way around the perimeter of the trunk.
- 6). Rake up all of the dead fronds on the ground under the Mexican fan palm and throw them into a compost pile or the trash.