Natural Techniques to Repair Skin
The past decade has changed the way consumers look for and use cosmetics such as natural body care products (including organic, fair trade, and mineral based items). Customers are now savvier in what to look for and what to avoid. New products hit the market on almost a daily basis in this industry, which proves that there is a huge growth.
However those with mature or damaged skin (which constitute a very large segment of the population) are left behind. Retailers address and understanding the needs of this group to expand their product base and increase their bottom line.
The skin loses elasticity and becomes thinner as it ages. The layer of fat giving skin its plump and firm appearance fails to regenerate and shrinks. Dryness and wrinkles appear when the amount of moisture in the skin is reduced because of the shrinking fat layer. There are three signs of aging:
* Chronological Aging - Can be slowed down, but impossible to stop. Products that address this by focusing on increasing moisture and collagen levels in the skin.
* Environmental Aging - Can happen at any age and is caused by exposure to the elements. It is difficult to repair once it starts, but it can be prevented. Products exfoliating dead skin and aim to prevent future damage.
* Lifestyle Aging - Skin can look and feel older due to smoking and poor nutrition. Repair is very difficult but the damage can definitely be prevented. Skin care products focus on exfoliation and antioxidant replacement.
So what can you to repair and nourish mature skin?
* Protect your skin - Be proactive in treating your skin well. This means washing your skin with a gentle cleanser daily, moisturizing after cleaning and reducing your exposure to the sun by using sunscreen and wearing a hat. Those with darker skin should not neglect skin protection. While more melanin in skin does provide slightly more protection, it is not enough to prevent sun damage.
* Exfoliate - One of the best ways to make the skin look brighter and stimulate skin growth is to take dead layers of skin off.
* Hydrate - This is especially important for combating lifestyle aging. One of the effects of a bad diet and not taking care of yourself is a build up of toxins in the skin and one of the best ways to remove those toxins is to flush it out with water. Drink 8-10 ounces of fluid a day.
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The past decade has changed the way consumers look for and use cosmetics such as natural body care products (including organic, fair trade, and mineral based items). Customers are now savvier in what to look for and what to avoid. New products hit the market on almost a daily basis in this industry, which proves that there is a huge growth.
However those with mature or damaged skin (which constitute a very large segment of the population) are left behind. Retailers address and understanding the needs of this group to expand their product base and increase their bottom line.
The skin loses elasticity and becomes thinner as it ages. The layer of fat giving skin its plump and firm appearance fails to regenerate and shrinks. Dryness and wrinkles appear when the amount of moisture in the skin is reduced because of the shrinking fat layer. There are three signs of aging:
* Chronological Aging - Can be slowed down, but impossible to stop. Products that address this by focusing on increasing moisture and collagen levels in the skin.
* Environmental Aging - Can happen at any age and is caused by exposure to the elements. It is difficult to repair once it starts, but it can be prevented. Products exfoliating dead skin and aim to prevent future damage.
* Lifestyle Aging - Skin can look and feel older due to smoking and poor nutrition. Repair is very difficult but the damage can definitely be prevented. Skin care products focus on exfoliation and antioxidant replacement.
So what can you to repair and nourish mature skin?
* Protect your skin - Be proactive in treating your skin well. This means washing your skin with a gentle cleanser daily, moisturizing after cleaning and reducing your exposure to the sun by using sunscreen and wearing a hat. Those with darker skin should not neglect skin protection. While more melanin in skin does provide slightly more protection, it is not enough to prevent sun damage.
* Exfoliate - One of the best ways to make the skin look brighter and stimulate skin growth is to take dead layers of skin off.
* Hydrate - This is especially important for combating lifestyle aging. One of the effects of a bad diet and not taking care of yourself is a build up of toxins in the skin and one of the best ways to remove those toxins is to flush it out with water. Drink 8-10 ounces of fluid a day.
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