There are good fats and there are bad fats that we can eat in our diet.
In this article I will concentrate on the bad fats that we should be avoiding to ensure we remain fit and healthy.
Foods High In Saturated Fats Saturated fats are the main culprit and should be avoided or at the very least consumed only occasionally.
The main source of saturated fats is animal fats that can be found in meat and dairy products.
When we eat a lot of saturated fat we are not doing our body and our health any good.
Saturated fat has the affect of solidifying in the body.
This is most common with the hardening of the arteries that our coated with a plaque which increase blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and stroke.
As well as red meat other food sources that are high in saturated fats include cows milk, butter, and cheese.
The main problem with these foods is that our bodies cannot digest them properly.
This can cause a whole host of health problems.
These can include hypertension and high blood pressure.
Other adverse affects of too much saturated fats is increased cholesterol levels which can cause an imbalance to our blood sugar levels.
This can affect our moods and lead to low energy levels and depression.
Another health concern with saturated fats is that it increases our body weight.
The body is unable to process saturated fats effectively.
This means most of the fat is stored in the body and therefore, increases our weight.
The Growth of Processed Foods Processed foods are now becoming a staple diet for many people.
This has made a huge increase in the number of people becoming overweight and obese.
If you want to remain healthy, slim and have plenty of energy avoid processed foods.
Processed foods are everywhere and our easy to spot.
The supermarket shelves are full of them.
These are the pre-packed and plastic wrapped, the instant microwavable, the boil in bag ready in two minutes type of food.
These foods have as much nutritional value as the packaging they are contained in.
As well as having little to no nutritional value processed foods use many additives to improve the way they look and taste.
These additives are basically chemicals and there is nothing natural about them.
These additives can include colouring, preservatives, emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners.
These additives and chemicals can cause problems to our health that can include allergies,
In this article I will concentrate on the bad fats that we should be avoiding to ensure we remain fit and healthy.
Foods High In Saturated Fats Saturated fats are the main culprit and should be avoided or at the very least consumed only occasionally.
The main source of saturated fats is animal fats that can be found in meat and dairy products.
When we eat a lot of saturated fat we are not doing our body and our health any good.
Saturated fat has the affect of solidifying in the body.
This is most common with the hardening of the arteries that our coated with a plaque which increase blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and stroke.
As well as red meat other food sources that are high in saturated fats include cows milk, butter, and cheese.
The main problem with these foods is that our bodies cannot digest them properly.
This can cause a whole host of health problems.
These can include hypertension and high blood pressure.
Other adverse affects of too much saturated fats is increased cholesterol levels which can cause an imbalance to our blood sugar levels.
This can affect our moods and lead to low energy levels and depression.
Another health concern with saturated fats is that it increases our body weight.
The body is unable to process saturated fats effectively.
This means most of the fat is stored in the body and therefore, increases our weight.
The Growth of Processed Foods Processed foods are now becoming a staple diet for many people.
This has made a huge increase in the number of people becoming overweight and obese.
If you want to remain healthy, slim and have plenty of energy avoid processed foods.
Processed foods are everywhere and our easy to spot.
The supermarket shelves are full of them.
These are the pre-packed and plastic wrapped, the instant microwavable, the boil in bag ready in two minutes type of food.
These foods have as much nutritional value as the packaging they are contained in.
As well as having little to no nutritional value processed foods use many additives to improve the way they look and taste.
These additives are basically chemicals and there is nothing natural about them.
These additives can include colouring, preservatives, emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners.
These additives and chemicals can cause problems to our health that can include allergies,