Of the two main omega 3 fats, EPA fatty acid has now been shown not to provide the health benefits it was once thought to.
So what is the best one to have and what should you look for to help you find it? The most useful omega 3 fatty acid is DHA, and responsible for most of the amazing health benefits, and while EPA fatty acid is important, it is so to a much lesser extent than previously thought.
As most of us, over 90% in fact, are deficient in both of these good polyunsaturated fats as the body cannot manufacture them, experts recommend a daily fish oil supplement as the ideal solution, especially considering fresh fish contains so many toxins today.
Fish oil is the very best source available, with quality ones being high in omega 3 and low in contaminants.
To get the maximum benefits from both DHA and EPA fatty acid, look for at least a 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA in your fish oil capsule.
I would also recommend a minimum of 250mg of DHA per pill or soft gel otherwise you will be robbed of the many benefits available.
These include a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes, better cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and greatly improved brain health and mental well-being to name just a few.
If you also ensure your chosen oil has been molecularly distilled to remove the dangerous toxins like mercury, PCB's, lead and arsenic then you can get all the many benefits without any of the risk.
In closing, while EPA fatty acid is still needed, it is still much more important to receive higher DHA fatty acid levels if you want to stay healthy and avoid many of the degenerative diseases later in life.
If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.
So what is the best one to have and what should you look for to help you find it? The most useful omega 3 fatty acid is DHA, and responsible for most of the amazing health benefits, and while EPA fatty acid is important, it is so to a much lesser extent than previously thought.
As most of us, over 90% in fact, are deficient in both of these good polyunsaturated fats as the body cannot manufacture them, experts recommend a daily fish oil supplement as the ideal solution, especially considering fresh fish contains so many toxins today.
Fish oil is the very best source available, with quality ones being high in omega 3 and low in contaminants.
To get the maximum benefits from both DHA and EPA fatty acid, look for at least a 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA in your fish oil capsule.
I would also recommend a minimum of 250mg of DHA per pill or soft gel otherwise you will be robbed of the many benefits available.
These include a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes, better cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and greatly improved brain health and mental well-being to name just a few.
If you also ensure your chosen oil has been molecularly distilled to remove the dangerous toxins like mercury, PCB's, lead and arsenic then you can get all the many benefits without any of the risk.
In closing, while EPA fatty acid is still needed, it is still much more important to receive higher DHA fatty acid levels if you want to stay healthy and avoid many of the degenerative diseases later in life.
If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.