- The wind speed of a tornado can go higher than 300 miles per hour. These dangerous winds create a danger of sweeping away objects in their path. The larger tornadoes may have more than one vortex. This means that they have an uneven pattern of destruction, since some objects in the tornado’s path face the impact of more than one vortex.
- If you’re hiding from a tornado, the lower levels of your home are best to sit out the danger. The best choice is to head for your basement. In case your home doesn’t have a basement, the lowest floor is your best alternative. You could hide in a room on the inside of the lowest floor, or in a hallway on the floor.
- In order to avoid debris and other objects that a tornado could release, hide under a table that could offer protection from such debris. Being hit by such things is the leading cause of death and injury from tornados. You could also cover yourself with a blanket, for additional protection.
- Stay away from windows during a tornado. They could shatter and harm you. Also, don’t keep windows open. A mobile home is a more dangerous place to be during a tornado than other types of homes. If you are in a mobile home, get out of there when you hear a tornado alert. Seek refuge with a friend or neighbor. Get out of the way of trees, as well as other objects that the tornado could hit. If you are stranded outside, find a spot to lie flat in, such as a ditch, and cover yourself.
Dangers of Tornadoes
Aim Low
Other Safe Places
Places to Avoid