I am going to get right to the point here and skip all of that "glass is half full" kind of thing and just say straight up, it is NOT a good sign to have your girlfriend say that she wants to see other people. You can fool yourself all you want to, but the reality is that if she is saying that - then there IS a good chance that she is just waiting for the moment when she can exit the relationship completely. So, if you have heard your girlfriend mention something along the lines of, "I want to see other people," you might as well admit that there is a good chance that she is ready to hit the door and she might not look back.
What can YOU do in this situation?
1. Recognize that it is what it is, a time to decide what to do.
You might come to the conclusion that you are cool with the idea of her seeing someone else because you want to do the same thing, who knows? What you are going to have to do no matter what, though, is see that this is a time for you to come to a decision about what you are going to do. There might be a chance for you to change her mind, but the longer you wait to do that... the more likely it is that she will end up finding someone else.
2. Recognize that there are probably issues in the relationship that need to be worked on if you want to keep your girlfriend.
If you do come to the decision that you want to try your best to keep your girlfriend and change her mind about wanting to see other people, then you need to admit that things are not right in the relationship. Whether there has been a lot of arguing, whether you and her don't spend much time with one another, or you have let the passion fade out - something needs to be fixed if you are going to change her mind.
3. Realize that the best way to handle a situation like this is not to panic, but also not to do nothing at all.
Doing nothing guarantees one thing... the relationship will come to an end. Like I said, you can fool yourself and try to come up with a reason for why it is a good thing that she wants to see other people, what it really means is that she is already thinking about doing it. You don't want to panic, but you also DON'T want to sit on your rear end and do nothing at all if you want to keep your girlfriend.
What can YOU do in this situation?
1. Recognize that it is what it is, a time to decide what to do.
You might come to the conclusion that you are cool with the idea of her seeing someone else because you want to do the same thing, who knows? What you are going to have to do no matter what, though, is see that this is a time for you to come to a decision about what you are going to do. There might be a chance for you to change her mind, but the longer you wait to do that... the more likely it is that she will end up finding someone else.
2. Recognize that there are probably issues in the relationship that need to be worked on if you want to keep your girlfriend.
If you do come to the decision that you want to try your best to keep your girlfriend and change her mind about wanting to see other people, then you need to admit that things are not right in the relationship. Whether there has been a lot of arguing, whether you and her don't spend much time with one another, or you have let the passion fade out - something needs to be fixed if you are going to change her mind.
3. Realize that the best way to handle a situation like this is not to panic, but also not to do nothing at all.
Doing nothing guarantees one thing... the relationship will come to an end. Like I said, you can fool yourself and try to come up with a reason for why it is a good thing that she wants to see other people, what it really means is that she is already thinking about doing it. You don't want to panic, but you also DON'T want to sit on your rear end and do nothing at all if you want to keep your girlfriend.