Do you realize that the power to feel better is completely in your hands? Well actually it is in your head. A natural treatment for depression that is 100% effective and completely side effect free is a mental makeover. If you can change the way you think, you can change the way you feel and you will never be depressed again.
The mind is a very powerful tool. In the medical world the power of the mind is evident on a daily basis. They call it the placebo effect and it is documented in just about every clinical trial every done. You have a control group and the experimental group. The control group is given the “fake” medication while the experimental group is given the real deal. Yet, surprisingly a good percentage of the people in the placebo group will show the positive effects of the medication being treated. This is because all participants are told what the medication they are testing is for and what it can do. None of the participants know if they are in the control group or the experimental group, so none of them will know if they are getting the real deal or the sugar pill.
Yet the control group will have a significant amount of participants exhibiting the benefits of the medication. This is due to the fact that they believed they were getting the real medication and that the medication would do those things for them, hence their mind told their body to make these improvements.
You have heard of women who wanted to be pregnant so bad that they actually had all the signs and symptoms of pregnancy except for the fact there wasn’t a baby. At your next visit to the doctor, if you by chance are prescribed a new medication I urge you to ask what the side effects are. Chances are pretty great that the nurse or the doctor will simply say, “If you feel anything that isn’t normal,” because doctors have found that if they tell their patients what the side effects are chances are greater that they will get those side effects.
There have been studies done on athletes where they were put in a chair with various types of monitors on them and they were told that they needed to imagine that they were doing one of their workouts, or invision that they were competing in an event and winning. They needed to actually visualize it in their head. Surprisingly, the physical results with the visualization techniques were the same as if the person had actually participated in the event.
What does this mean to you? It means that if you took control of your mind. If you actually put the effort into controlling the thoughts in you are thinking and the way that those thoughts are effecting you then you can stop feeling depressed. There are a number of books, audios and CDs available that you can get to help you take control of your mind and stop feeling depressed for the rest of your life.
The mind is a very powerful tool. In the medical world the power of the mind is evident on a daily basis. They call it the placebo effect and it is documented in just about every clinical trial every done. You have a control group and the experimental group. The control group is given the “fake” medication while the experimental group is given the real deal. Yet, surprisingly a good percentage of the people in the placebo group will show the positive effects of the medication being treated. This is because all participants are told what the medication they are testing is for and what it can do. None of the participants know if they are in the control group or the experimental group, so none of them will know if they are getting the real deal or the sugar pill.
Yet the control group will have a significant amount of participants exhibiting the benefits of the medication. This is due to the fact that they believed they were getting the real medication and that the medication would do those things for them, hence their mind told their body to make these improvements.
You have heard of women who wanted to be pregnant so bad that they actually had all the signs and symptoms of pregnancy except for the fact there wasn’t a baby. At your next visit to the doctor, if you by chance are prescribed a new medication I urge you to ask what the side effects are. Chances are pretty great that the nurse or the doctor will simply say, “If you feel anything that isn’t normal,” because doctors have found that if they tell their patients what the side effects are chances are greater that they will get those side effects.
There have been studies done on athletes where they were put in a chair with various types of monitors on them and they were told that they needed to imagine that they were doing one of their workouts, or invision that they were competing in an event and winning. They needed to actually visualize it in their head. Surprisingly, the physical results with the visualization techniques were the same as if the person had actually participated in the event.
What does this mean to you? It means that if you took control of your mind. If you actually put the effort into controlling the thoughts in you are thinking and the way that those thoughts are effecting you then you can stop feeling depressed. There are a number of books, audios and CDs available that you can get to help you take control of your mind and stop feeling depressed for the rest of your life.