Sometimes a flower garden may fail despite your best efforts.
The key is to ensure its success from the beginning by designing and preparing a proper flower bed.
A flower garden full of beautiful bright colors, intriguing designs, and sweet scents draws anyone outdoors.
However, the opposite of that-dead and decaying foliage-makes any yard look uncared for, even if it is cared for diligently.
Whether you have a green thumb or not, sometimes your garden may fail despite your best efforts.
The key is to ensure its success from the beginning by designing and preparing a proper flower bed.
The first step is choosing the spot for the bed.
Walk around your yard and visualize how the plants you want would look in different areas.
Take into account their sizes, colors, and times for blooming.
Most importantly, consider their needs for sun and shade-essentials for plants to thrive.
Sketch out out a few of your ideas; draw the plants in full bloom, so you can most accurately see how far apart to place them to avoid overcrowding.
When sketching, also keep in mind that you don't have to restrict yourself to rectangular layouts.
Feel free to experiment and try something different, yet still aesthetically appealing.
Once you have your plot and your layout, you can begin planting.
But before you do, make sure to test the soil.
Bad soil may have been the cause of past problems, so get advice from an expert on how best to amend the situation.
In areas where the soil is very sandy or clay filled, you can raise the beds with nutrient laden soil in which your plants can grow.
The key is to ensure its success from the beginning by designing and preparing a proper flower bed.
A flower garden full of beautiful bright colors, intriguing designs, and sweet scents draws anyone outdoors.
However, the opposite of that-dead and decaying foliage-makes any yard look uncared for, even if it is cared for diligently.
Whether you have a green thumb or not, sometimes your garden may fail despite your best efforts.
The key is to ensure its success from the beginning by designing and preparing a proper flower bed.
The first step is choosing the spot for the bed.
Walk around your yard and visualize how the plants you want would look in different areas.
Take into account their sizes, colors, and times for blooming.
Most importantly, consider their needs for sun and shade-essentials for plants to thrive.
Sketch out out a few of your ideas; draw the plants in full bloom, so you can most accurately see how far apart to place them to avoid overcrowding.
When sketching, also keep in mind that you don't have to restrict yourself to rectangular layouts.
Feel free to experiment and try something different, yet still aesthetically appealing.
Once you have your plot and your layout, you can begin planting.
But before you do, make sure to test the soil.
Bad soil may have been the cause of past problems, so get advice from an expert on how best to amend the situation.
In areas where the soil is very sandy or clay filled, you can raise the beds with nutrient laden soil in which your plants can grow.