Are you taking a well-deserved vacation this holiday season? You are probably very excited about taking the trip in second hand cars in South Africa. But before you shove the kids in the car and drive off into the sunrise, here are a few handy tips to keep you safe on the road.
The tyres: make sure the tyre pressure is correct and that the spare tyre is present and in good condition. Don't drive with smooth tyres - it will affect your car's grip on the road. Sure we don't have snow on our roads during the holiday season but we do have our share of rain causing smoother road surface.
Tools: make sure you have all the necessary tools to change flat tyres on second hand cars in South Africa.
Have your vehicle checked: it is advisable to have your vehicle checked by a professional before you hit the road. There might just be something wrong with your car and like luck would have it the unfortunate will strike halfway to your destination. Don't let a faulty vehicle ruin your holiday.
Check the basics before you go: when you fill your vehicle with gas at the petrol station, have them check the oil, water, brake fluid and tyre pressure one last time. Rather be safe than sorry.
Have a list of emergency phone numbers handy: who are you going to call should something happen to you on the road? As much as we love our second hand cars in South Africa, a lot can go wrong despite our best precautions.
If you are driving alone, make an arrangement with a family member or friend to call them as soon as you reach your destination. Inform them on the route you are taking as well as any pit stops you are planning on making. Keep this person updated so they will know immediately if something went wrong - this way they can send for help even if you can't.
Make regular pit stops: never drive for hours on end without taking a break. A tired person is a dangerous person behind the wheel. When you are tired, you allow your attention to slip. Everything inside the car becomes distracting and everything outside less important. You need to stretch your legs often. Drinking delicious hot coffee won't hurt either.
So, before you take to the road in second hand cars in South Africa this holiday season, make sure your vehicles are in an excellent condition and have an emergency plan should something go awry.
The tyres: make sure the tyre pressure is correct and that the spare tyre is present and in good condition. Don't drive with smooth tyres - it will affect your car's grip on the road. Sure we don't have snow on our roads during the holiday season but we do have our share of rain causing smoother road surface.
Tools: make sure you have all the necessary tools to change flat tyres on second hand cars in South Africa.
Have your vehicle checked: it is advisable to have your vehicle checked by a professional before you hit the road. There might just be something wrong with your car and like luck would have it the unfortunate will strike halfway to your destination. Don't let a faulty vehicle ruin your holiday.
Check the basics before you go: when you fill your vehicle with gas at the petrol station, have them check the oil, water, brake fluid and tyre pressure one last time. Rather be safe than sorry.
Have a list of emergency phone numbers handy: who are you going to call should something happen to you on the road? As much as we love our second hand cars in South Africa, a lot can go wrong despite our best precautions.
If you are driving alone, make an arrangement with a family member or friend to call them as soon as you reach your destination. Inform them on the route you are taking as well as any pit stops you are planning on making. Keep this person updated so they will know immediately if something went wrong - this way they can send for help even if you can't.
Make regular pit stops: never drive for hours on end without taking a break. A tired person is a dangerous person behind the wheel. When you are tired, you allow your attention to slip. Everything inside the car becomes distracting and everything outside less important. You need to stretch your legs often. Drinking delicious hot coffee won't hurt either.
So, before you take to the road in second hand cars in South Africa this holiday season, make sure your vehicles are in an excellent condition and have an emergency plan should something go awry.