Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Cherry and gouts

Aging comes naturally, and so do the ailments that come along with it. The most painful body ailment that adults experience when they reach their late adult stage is probably having gouts. If you have a poor diet and do not even take time to exercise during your early years, the chances of you having gouts is high. Once you have it, barely can you move that part affected.

In the first place, what are gouts? This is a form of arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. Most of the time, it settles on the largest finger of the foot. The excessive uric acid crystalizes on the joints, therefore making it extremely painful to move. After some time, the joint affected with gouts swells, becomes red, hot, and stiff. Once you have it, how are you going to deal with it?

There are three ways in which you can relieve the pain caused by gouts and take it away after some time. First is through eating cherries. According to several health sites, you should eat twenty to thirty cherries a day once you have gouts. This is because cherries are rich in vitamin c, anthocyanin, and potassium. Vitamin c is known for fighting diseases. It has also been noted to lower the uric acid levels by fifty percent. By taking cherries daily, you fight the gouts you currently have and install a future protection to your body from getting it again.

Anthocyanin is found on dark colored fruits. If the fruit is darker, the amount of anthocyanin in it is higher. Anthocyanin has the ability to prevent enzymes that cause pain to the joints from production. The swelling of the joint has a negative connotation to the bearer since it causes great pain, but in fact swelling is a way of repairing the joints from the excessive uric acid levels. In order to ease the pain, anthocyanin is needed.

The last reason why you should take lots of cherries once you have gouts is because of the potassium it contains. Potassium takes the excessive amount of uric acid out of the body. This electrolyte balances the fluid inside the body and allows the kidney to function properly. As said above, gouts are crystalized uric acid formed at the joints. With potassium, these crystals are turned into fluid and later on, flushed out of the body once you urinate.

Other foods that contain potassium are banana, cantaloupe, and tomatoes. However, they only have average levels of potassium unlike cherries. Others even wonder if the type of cherry used (dried, fresh, or juiced) vary in terms of relieving the pain caused by gouts. Whatever you use, they all have the same value and does not differ in function. They have the same level of eliminating gouts. What makes the nutritional value of a cherry differ is the season. When cherries are out of the season, the nutritional value in them lowers so it's best to keep them refrigerated in order to keep the nutrients they have.
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