Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Restoring America"s Credibility in Its International Leadership Role in Current Turbulent Times

The international credibility of the US currently seems to be a lost cause and there are reasons containing realistic figures for that: - the Obama Administration is facing scandals, one which focuses on unprecedented invasion of privacy and the latest polls show that president's credibility is in free fall; - the national indebtedness stands at $17 trillion and continues to grow;, - the unemployment rate is 7.
4 percent meaning 12.
3 million Americans have no job, many more are underemployed; - the international financial crises started in US due to massive corruption in financial industry, and is not over yet.
These are just a few facts pointing at a weakened America.
As a result of our recklessness, we are no longer seen as the most powerful leader in the international community.
Just the other day we saw Russia (a much weaker power) thumb its nose at the U.
when it granted NSA leaker, Eric Snowden, temporary asylum.
We are no longer the rescue hero in the eyes of the world.
The economic crisis also triggered torrents of international criticism of the US.
We are just a nation like any other, facing a massive debt, a corrupt financial industry and a slowly "recovering" economy.
This very fact showed clearly during the recent economic turmoil in Europe.
No one listens to America anymore on fiscal responsibility and reforms because our fiscal house is not in order.
With all of its huge problems, how can America really regain its international credibility to lead the global community in these turbulent times? In 2008, President Obama's central foreign policy objective was, ironically, to restore the America's standing.
Improving America's lost credibility in the world seems now an almost impossible task to carry out, even for the most optimistic American.
And still...
What can the US government do now for America's reputation? What can each of us do to regain our lost standing in the world? At a political level, the best way for our government to move our nation forward is to return to its true core values and live within the Constitution.
There must be an honest assessment of how we employ our finite resources.
Leaders regardless of party affiliation must be willing to come together for the good of the nation and reach viable solutions for critical policy issues, such as immigration reform and the national debt.
At the economic level, our main goal should be rebuilding our economy, hence, the global economy.
Few good strategies in this respect could be opening domestic markets and promoting more free trade.
On the home-front we could revamp our tax codes to be fair to businesses and introduce a flat tax for our citizens.
Eliminating costly programs like ObamaCare and cutting the national debt would also spur more economic growth and productivity on all fronts.
It is our government who need to find some honest experts willing to put their expertise at stake for these common sense strategies.
At a humanitarian level, our recent history shows that providing goods for humanitarian aid and global health had positive returns for the US.
For example, Indonesian people appreciated America for sending quick aid in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
Countries in Africa also appreciate America for spending its resources on malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS.
We shouldn't forget that we are lucky enough to have great Americans who dedicate their time and money to charity all over the world.
But restoring America's international credibility in current turbulent times can't solely be the job of US government.
It doesn't depend on how the United States does for other countries in need.
It depends on the worth each American places on America's credibility in the world.
We "The People" are ultimately responsible for the outcomes which we see.
We must demand credible solutions from our elected officials.
If they fail to produce there must be some accountability, replace them.
In all sincerity, each American must remember that we used to be "the greatest country in the world" only a few blinks ago.
We can be great again if we return to our core American principles.
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