Many of the things that we think we know about Sleep Apnea are not always true, Understanding this could make more sufferers seek treatment Sleep apnea affects a surprisingly large number of people, and being affected usually comes on in middle age, however this is not a hard and fast rule.
Most of the information you will find is based on generalizations.
Many of these generalizations are listed below
Unfortunately this often leads to well-meaning doctors making the situation worse, they will frequently proscribe drugs to help you sleep, unfortunately these drugs are going to make you relax more quickly, relaxing more quickly promotes the throat to close down, so ironically, the situation is made worse.
If you feel that a medication is the most user-friendly method of curing your sleep apnea you need to ensure that the medication you pick is designed for sleep apnea, not simply a sleeping pill Interestingly many patients who take these types of medication also report that it helps them to stop snoring as well.
Increasing the oxygen to the lungs and creating a slight pressure in the mouth has also had remarkable results, this is done using a C.
mask connected to a C.
machine, these masks can take a little getting used too but they are generally excellent, they do however require a prescription for oxygen.
Bands and dental appliances can be used to pull the jaw forward but wearers report that they can make the jaw painful after a few days so they tend to not provide an ideal solution to the issue.
Surgery should only be considered as a last resort.
Most of the information you will find is based on generalizations.
Many of these generalizations are listed below
- Generally you are more likely to suffer if you are over weight, This is not always true, while many sufferers are overweight it has more to do with the arrangement of the fleshy part of the soft pallet at the top of the neck
- Generally it comes on in middle age, Again this is not always true a small number of children suffer and many people start to suffer in their teens
- Generally a fat neck is an indication of sleep apnea, but not always, again it comes down to the shape of the inside of the neck
- Poor diet is a cause of sleep apnea, This is also not always true, while it is sometimes associated with being overweight simply eating healthily may not have an affect.
Unfortunately this often leads to well-meaning doctors making the situation worse, they will frequently proscribe drugs to help you sleep, unfortunately these drugs are going to make you relax more quickly, relaxing more quickly promotes the throat to close down, so ironically, the situation is made worse.
If you feel that a medication is the most user-friendly method of curing your sleep apnea you need to ensure that the medication you pick is designed for sleep apnea, not simply a sleeping pill Interestingly many patients who take these types of medication also report that it helps them to stop snoring as well.
Increasing the oxygen to the lungs and creating a slight pressure in the mouth has also had remarkable results, this is done using a C.
mask connected to a C.
machine, these masks can take a little getting used too but they are generally excellent, they do however require a prescription for oxygen.
Bands and dental appliances can be used to pull the jaw forward but wearers report that they can make the jaw painful after a few days so they tend to not provide an ideal solution to the issue.
Surgery should only be considered as a last resort.