- Sleeping bags are rated based on the weather temperatures that they are designed to withstand. Although there are two-season sleeping bags, most consumers consider either three- or four-season models.
Three-season bags are designed to be used in weather conditions that are expected from spring through fall, while four-season bags are designed to withstand the extreme cold of winter nights. - Three season sleeping bags are designed to ensure maximum comfort from spring through fall. These bags perform optimally in temperatures between 10 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Three-season bags will not provide sufficient warm for temperatures colder than 10 degrees.
Since these bags require less filling than four-season bags, they are typically lighter and less bulky. For backpacking trips where every ounce counts, three-season bags can often be ideal. - Four season bags are designed to be comfortable in temperatures as cold as 10 degrees minus zero to 10 Fahrenheit. These bags will have substantially more filling than three-season bags, and will be heavier and bulkier.
If you're car camping, four-season bags can be a sound choice because weight and bulk are not as much of an issue. The allure of four-season bags is that they can provide warmth even in extremely cold conditions. - When you shop for a sleeping bag, keep weight and seasonal needs in mind. For backpacking trips, three-season bags may be the best choice, while campers who do not have weight restrictions may prefer the warmer four-season bags.
However, weight is not the final deciding factor in bag choice. For safety and protection from the elements, choose a sleeping bag that will withstand the weather conditions that may be encountered at the time of year you will be camping. Staying warm and avoiding the effects of exposure is much more important than a few extra ounces of weight.
Sleeping Bag Ratings
Three-Season Bags
Four-Season Bags
Knowing Which Bag Is Right