- For this map you want to have multiple levels that players have to go through before escaping the castle dungeon and rising to the surface. On the bottom level of the dungeon you can include a lot of gray bricks and dark prison cells for each of the players. When the game starts the bars to the prison cell are released by a dropping ball that is attached to a pulley system for all the cell doors. Players then have to jump their characters to various platforms containing burning flames, spikes or falling rocks to get to the second level. On the second level, you can have a maze, filled with traps and dead ends, that players must navigate through, with an elevator waiting for them at the other end. The elevator will bring them to the top of the castle, where they have to climb down several different ropes before escaping.
- Model this map after the "Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom." Start the map with a flat walkway leading up to a giant stone temple. As soon as the player enters the temple doorway, trigger the door to close. The torches in the temple will suddenly extinguish themselves, and the player must find a bright stone hidden on the other end of the temple in order to restore the light. You can include a rapidly-shrinking room using a lever system to escape, mine cart and track that is set up like a roller coaster and a rope bridge that leads the player to safety after the stone is put on a pedestal.
- The map begins with the player riding an elevator up to the highest floor of the space station. This floor is made up of all glass, so include planets and stars in the background. Add walking machines and dangerous traps that the player must avoid. You can also darken the space station rooms and put in a flickering light to make them creepy. Include a docking platform on the bottom level that contains several different types of flying vehicles. Set up a maze with falling asteroids that the player must fly through in order to get to the second space station. The second space station has a rocket pack hidden somewhere for the player to use to jet on over to a nearby constellation.
- Build a yellow submarine vehicle and place it on rails in an underwater map. The submarine will move horizontally across the map and allow the player to see sunken pirate ships, treasure chests, sharks, schools of fish and anything else you want to include in your map. Make submarine hit a brick wall and cause it to open a hole for the player to swim through. You can include a pulley and rig puzzle that the player must solve in order to lift the submarine out of the water. As soon as the submarine is above the water, a doorway will appear and a staircase will lead up to a tropical island.
Escape from the Castle Dungeon
The Temple of Gloom
Creepy Space Station
Yellow Submarine Map