- The peach tree borer is a serious threat to a variety of trees, including the peach, cherry and plum tree. The insect larvae live under the bark of the tree after the adult lays the eggs on the external portion of the tree. As the larvae feed and grow, they do serious damage to the internal portions of the tree, leaving it weak and stunting its growth. Serious infestations can kill peach and other trees.
- Companion planting is a practice that involves pairing plants to help keep all of the plant types healthy; this can include pest repelling plants, such as those that drive away the peach tree borer. Some of the plants that aid with controlling peach tree borer populations include vegetables, which have the added benefit of providing food for a gardener. Both onions and garlic planted around a peach or other tree help repel peach tree borers.
- Tansies are a type of flower that help repel the peach tree borer. According to Golden Harvest Organics, a spray made from the leaves of elderberries that is applied to trees helps keep peach tree borers away from the tree. Repeated applications are important for maintaining the protection of the tree. Other plants include grapes and asparagus plants. Place a variety of plants around trees to prevent damage by peach tree borers during the growing season.
- There are certain plants that attract peach tree borers, which can cause serious problems for gardeners growing trees susceptible to damage by the borer. Avoid vegetables like potatoes and tomatoes and berry plants like raspberries; these plants may bring peach tree borers to the garden, which leads to serious damage for the susceptible trees. Planting vegetables that attract the peach tree borer away from the at-risk trees is advisable.
Peach Tree Borer
Companion Planting
Flowers and Sprays
What to Avoid