Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Getting Fit - The 7 Step Plan

Happy New Year. OK, so you have made your resolutions and this year you really plan on keeping them. You are going to eat better, workout, lose weight and get into shape. Are you really? How many years have you said this? How many years did you follow through past January? Oh right, there was that one year that you made it to March. WOW!

Let's get real. Don't make resolutions, set goals and achieve them. Resolutions are nothing to achieve and you forget them weeks later as you get sidetracked. Goals get you focused, they make you strive and try harder because you don't want to fail.

Below is a 7 step plan to help you get started on your Getting Fit path.

Getting Fit - The 7 Step Plan.

1. - Be specific. Set a fitness Goal and WRITE IT DOWN! Like I said don't make a resolution. They get lost in shuffle of everyday life. OK so the first part of your "Getting Fit" goal is to clearly define what this means to you. Do you want to gain strength, improve your cardio, lose a pant size. I get real specific. I want to lose 10lbs, drop 1 full pant size and improve my overall mile time. Write there I just gave myself three small specific goals to reach my major goal of "Getting Fit".

2. - Let everyone know. That's right get the word out and tell everyone. Let your friends and family know that you have a set of goals that you want to reach and may actually need them to help motivate or remind. One of my goals was to run the Warrior Dash so I told a bunch of my friends and got them to sign up with me. That meant that I had to follow through.

3. - Have a start and end. You have to know where you want to go and how to get there. How is that? Simple. I am starting on Monday January 3, I am going to workout each Monday-Wednesday-Friday for 30 to 45 minutes each of these days to achieve my goal. I am going to use a pre-written workout and follow it so that I stay on track. I want to achieve my goal by April 1 and I will then re-evaluate and start a new set of Lifestyle goals.

4. - Stay on track. The hardest part is staying on track. Work, family & other commitments always seem to through us all of track. You have to be committed. Stay on track. If you get home late you have to get your 30 minutes that you scheduled in. You have make sure that you stay committed to YOURSELF!

5. - Make it a habit. Look you can do this. Everyone can make time to improve themselves and their overall life. I once read that if do something for 21 days in a row then you have created a habit. Make that a goal. Make a goal that for 21 days you will follow a "Getting Fit" lifestyle.

6. - Change it up to Avoid Boredom! I get bored easy. So doing the same workouts over and over will kill anyone's enthusiasm. Change it up. Every two weeks change your program up by switching exercises. Change the order, take out an exercise and add another. Instead of running try jumping rope or shadow boxing with small dumbbells. Keep it fresh and it will keep you coming back for more.

7. - Reward Yourself! That's right, reward your achievements. Take pictures and put them FaceBook. Go out and buy a new pair of jeans or some fresh workout clothes. When you reach your goals you have achieved something. Something to be proud of.

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