America is in a deep crisis because of policies pursued or neglected by many self-serving politicians who block the problem solvers in Congress.
As the nation continues to spend far more than its revenue, we are on a steady path to bankruptcy.
Other nations are starting to drop U.
dollars as their currency reserve because they see our government policy of printing more and more money making our dollars worth less and less.
Once our currency loses its international status, our economy will crash.
This is a matter of arithmetic and history, not ideology.
Our national and many state governments are constantly finding more ways to take more money from working citizens and businesses, thus destroying incentives for job growth.
The government routinely uses false statistics to hide what is happening.
When unemployment benefits end, a person who is not retired and who has given up trying to find work is no longer counted as unemployed.
The percentage of working age citizens actually working is decreasing dramatically.
Then, in a vicious cycle, there is an astronomical increase in welfare costs (food stamps, subsidized health care, etc.
) to keep many unemployed and under-employed folks dependent on government.
Those still working and businesses keep paying more and more in this system.
Important investments like our military in a very dangerous world and Medicare payments to doctors serving an aging population are cut.
Many elected politicians focus on hiding what is happening or blaming others as they advance party and personal interests instead of working at compromise for solutions to avoid the destruction of our great nation.
They spend time destroying freedom and job creation with more rules and regulations than on serious attempts to solve gigantic problems and guard against wasteful spending.
The nation is in an ever deepening financial crisis, and citizens are losing the freedoms that made America great.
The time has come when voters of America must save the nation before it is too late.
Every voter should get involved and begin to measure every political candidate against some common sense and/or historically verified standards.
Low information and party line voting must be replaced by carefully selecting senators, representatives and a president who will pursue compromise and common sense suggestions for solving major problems regardless of pressure from any party, lobbyists, or future election concerns.
Here are some general questions you could use or revise in evaluating a candidate.
Does the candidate have a life record of trustworthiness, and will the candidate: 1.
Pursue annual balanced budgets and a long term plan for debt reduction? 2.
Support a strong, well equipped military? 3.
Seek reduction of unreasonable, politically correct, and nanny state rules and regulations that are destroying individual freedom and job growth in America? 4.
Insist on honest and transparent information flow to citizens (no more false, self-serving statistics)? 5.
Pursue reasonable compromises without name calling and exaggerated criticism of others? 6.
Insist on accountability for federal and state employees in systems (like the Veterans Administration) in which regulations or contracts or executive procrastination will not protect cheaters and non-performers and those who misuse agency powers from being fired or even jailed in the event of actual crimes? 7.
Promote decision making at the state and local level rather than the national level whenever feasible? 8.
Pursue strong border protection and then compromise action on existing illegal immigrants, deporting those who have committed other crimes and giving reasonable options to working families and their children? 9.
Insist on constitutional government in which Congress (not the President) makes laws that are enforced by the executive branch of government? 10.
Do his or her best to place country and citizen interests and equal opportunity (not equal pay for unequal work) ahead of a party line or pressure from special interest groups.
The above questions should also be asked of any presidential candidate along with looking for a person who: 1.
Has demonstrated strong personal achievement, high intellectual capability, courage, and successful leadership in his or her past life.
Has obvious great love for and pride in America.
States his or her intent to "go after" extremists who attack Americans and strongly support nations who are our partners and friends.
Is a problem solver with great common sense, willingness to listen respectfully and to compromise, and belief in carefully selecting very talented executive leaders who will be completely accountable for operating efficient agencies and for keeping the president well informed.
Race and gender should be irrelevant as we seek the kind of open, strong, unifying and talented leadership needed to save this nation from incompetence and ideological fanaticism.
Ideology itself is a part of freedom.
However when it reaches the fanatic level of replacing common sense and analysis (like pretending that massive, steadily increasing debt will not lead to economic collapse that will harm everyone), it is no longer justified ideology.
Too many current leaders and media representatives have slipped into the self-deluding fanaticism level.
This is what makes informed action by voters fully vetting every political candidate necessary now to preserve the greatest nation on earth.
As the ultimate judge and jury of our government, voters should now use this simple political act as their contribution to our American society.
As the nation continues to spend far more than its revenue, we are on a steady path to bankruptcy.
Other nations are starting to drop U.
dollars as their currency reserve because they see our government policy of printing more and more money making our dollars worth less and less.
Once our currency loses its international status, our economy will crash.
This is a matter of arithmetic and history, not ideology.
Our national and many state governments are constantly finding more ways to take more money from working citizens and businesses, thus destroying incentives for job growth.
The government routinely uses false statistics to hide what is happening.
When unemployment benefits end, a person who is not retired and who has given up trying to find work is no longer counted as unemployed.
The percentage of working age citizens actually working is decreasing dramatically.
Then, in a vicious cycle, there is an astronomical increase in welfare costs (food stamps, subsidized health care, etc.
) to keep many unemployed and under-employed folks dependent on government.
Those still working and businesses keep paying more and more in this system.
Important investments like our military in a very dangerous world and Medicare payments to doctors serving an aging population are cut.
Many elected politicians focus on hiding what is happening or blaming others as they advance party and personal interests instead of working at compromise for solutions to avoid the destruction of our great nation.
They spend time destroying freedom and job creation with more rules and regulations than on serious attempts to solve gigantic problems and guard against wasteful spending.
The nation is in an ever deepening financial crisis, and citizens are losing the freedoms that made America great.
The time has come when voters of America must save the nation before it is too late.
Every voter should get involved and begin to measure every political candidate against some common sense and/or historically verified standards.
Low information and party line voting must be replaced by carefully selecting senators, representatives and a president who will pursue compromise and common sense suggestions for solving major problems regardless of pressure from any party, lobbyists, or future election concerns.
Here are some general questions you could use or revise in evaluating a candidate.
Does the candidate have a life record of trustworthiness, and will the candidate: 1.
Pursue annual balanced budgets and a long term plan for debt reduction? 2.
Support a strong, well equipped military? 3.
Seek reduction of unreasonable, politically correct, and nanny state rules and regulations that are destroying individual freedom and job growth in America? 4.
Insist on honest and transparent information flow to citizens (no more false, self-serving statistics)? 5.
Pursue reasonable compromises without name calling and exaggerated criticism of others? 6.
Insist on accountability for federal and state employees in systems (like the Veterans Administration) in which regulations or contracts or executive procrastination will not protect cheaters and non-performers and those who misuse agency powers from being fired or even jailed in the event of actual crimes? 7.
Promote decision making at the state and local level rather than the national level whenever feasible? 8.
Pursue strong border protection and then compromise action on existing illegal immigrants, deporting those who have committed other crimes and giving reasonable options to working families and their children? 9.
Insist on constitutional government in which Congress (not the President) makes laws that are enforced by the executive branch of government? 10.
Do his or her best to place country and citizen interests and equal opportunity (not equal pay for unequal work) ahead of a party line or pressure from special interest groups.
The above questions should also be asked of any presidential candidate along with looking for a person who: 1.
Has demonstrated strong personal achievement, high intellectual capability, courage, and successful leadership in his or her past life.
Has obvious great love for and pride in America.
States his or her intent to "go after" extremists who attack Americans and strongly support nations who are our partners and friends.
Is a problem solver with great common sense, willingness to listen respectfully and to compromise, and belief in carefully selecting very talented executive leaders who will be completely accountable for operating efficient agencies and for keeping the president well informed.
Race and gender should be irrelevant as we seek the kind of open, strong, unifying and talented leadership needed to save this nation from incompetence and ideological fanaticism.
Ideology itself is a part of freedom.
However when it reaches the fanatic level of replacing common sense and analysis (like pretending that massive, steadily increasing debt will not lead to economic collapse that will harm everyone), it is no longer justified ideology.
Too many current leaders and media representatives have slipped into the self-deluding fanaticism level.
This is what makes informed action by voters fully vetting every political candidate necessary now to preserve the greatest nation on earth.
As the ultimate judge and jury of our government, voters should now use this simple political act as their contribution to our American society.