If you have diabetes and are concerned with what foods you can eat and which foods you should avoid, you may not realize it but the #1 best food group to consistently choose from is the protein group.
Now why should you choose proteins to eat more than carbohydrates? It is because it has been well documented by the American Associations of Clinical Endocrinologists that individuals who have diabetes should get enough protein in their diet on a daily basis to help control their blood sugar levels.
Proteins Reduce Body Fat Getting enough protein in your diet not only has been proven to prevent obesity and weight gain but it also is effective in improving metabolism in all people and more importantly in the diabetic.
In fact a high protein diet is therapeutic for the diabetic.
A high protein diet that consists of 30% protein can help the individual with diabetes to loose weight.
Losing weight and taking off excess body fat will help to cut down on insulin resistance.
You see, body fat raises insulin resistance so the more body fat you have on your frame, the more insulin resistant you will be.
Excess body fat will clog up your arteries and can lead to atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries.
Once that happens, you will not only have diabetes, but you will heart disease also.
Proteins Specifically Reduce Abdominal Fat A diet high in protein will reduce abdominal fat.
Women who have a lot of abdominal fat tend to be diabetic.
High protein diets can help you take off this body fat that is not only making you unhealthy but is bad for your self esteem and your body image.
What woman does not want to protect her body image and remain attractive to men? Now, body image is not the real importance here, a healthy and long life is, but it doesn't hurt to be happy with how one looks either.
Losing weight and feeling good about yourself is one added benefit aside from controlling your diabetes, there are many others.
Proteins Stimulate the Release of Insulin Protein is thought to have a favorable effect on diabetes because it can stimulate the natural insulin release from the pancreas.
Making sure you get enough protein in your diet is not only safe if you have diabetes, it can be said to be therapeutic and will improve glycemic control.
Foods that are in this #1 Best Food Group Basically foods that are in the protein group are:
You can take charge of what you eat and be safe in knowing you are taking the best care of yourself as you possible can.
Now why should you choose proteins to eat more than carbohydrates? It is because it has been well documented by the American Associations of Clinical Endocrinologists that individuals who have diabetes should get enough protein in their diet on a daily basis to help control their blood sugar levels.
Proteins Reduce Body Fat Getting enough protein in your diet not only has been proven to prevent obesity and weight gain but it also is effective in improving metabolism in all people and more importantly in the diabetic.
In fact a high protein diet is therapeutic for the diabetic.
A high protein diet that consists of 30% protein can help the individual with diabetes to loose weight.
Losing weight and taking off excess body fat will help to cut down on insulin resistance.
You see, body fat raises insulin resistance so the more body fat you have on your frame, the more insulin resistant you will be.
Excess body fat will clog up your arteries and can lead to atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries.
Once that happens, you will not only have diabetes, but you will heart disease also.
Proteins Specifically Reduce Abdominal Fat A diet high in protein will reduce abdominal fat.
Women who have a lot of abdominal fat tend to be diabetic.
High protein diets can help you take off this body fat that is not only making you unhealthy but is bad for your self esteem and your body image.
What woman does not want to protect her body image and remain attractive to men? Now, body image is not the real importance here, a healthy and long life is, but it doesn't hurt to be happy with how one looks either.
Losing weight and feeling good about yourself is one added benefit aside from controlling your diabetes, there are many others.
Proteins Stimulate the Release of Insulin Protein is thought to have a favorable effect on diabetes because it can stimulate the natural insulin release from the pancreas.
Making sure you get enough protein in your diet is not only safe if you have diabetes, it can be said to be therapeutic and will improve glycemic control.
Foods that are in this #1 Best Food Group Basically foods that are in the protein group are:
- Eggs
- Milk
- Cheese
- Beef
- Pork
- Lamb
- Chicken
- Fish
You can take charge of what you eat and be safe in knowing you are taking the best care of yourself as you possible can.