Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

The Best Indoor Apartment Plants

    Cast-Iron Plant

    • Cast-iron plant (Aspidistra eliator) is a nearly indestructible houseplant with 12- to 24-inch-long, strap-like, dark green glossy leaves. Grow a cast-iron plant in front of a northern window or under fluorescent lighting. Water the plant in the spring and early summer when the soil surface dries, and irrigate the rest of the year after the top 2 to 3 inches of soil loses moisture. Fertilize cast-iron plants monthly in late spring through early fall with a well-balanced, all-purpose plant food.

    Chinese Evergreen

    • Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema) has glossy, pointed leaves that come in a variety of color combinations, including green and silver, plus green and lime-green. Small Chinese evergreen selections grow just 2 to 3 inches high, while large versions reach 36 inches in height. Provide Chinese evergreens with low light, such as in front of a northern window or under fluorescent lighting. Water the plant when the top 2 inches of soil dries, and feed monthly in spring through summer with a well-balanced, all-purpose plant food.


    • Dieffenbachia features 6- to 8-inch-long, eye-catching green and white variegated leaves that unfurl from the center. The plant reaches 1 to 2 feet high and 1 foot wide. Provide dieffenbachia with medium light by placing it near an eastern window or under fluorescent lighting. Feed dieffenbachia every two weeks in spring through summer with an all-purpose, well-balanced fertilizer. Water the plant when the soil surface dries.

      Keep dieffenbachia away from pets. The plant is commonly known as dumb cane because the leaves contain calcium oxalate crystals that cause swelling of the throat and tongue.


    • Pothos is a vining plant with heart-shaped, green foliage that's sometimes marbled in white or yellow. The plant can vine 10 feet or longer, but grows bushier with periodic pruning. Let the first 1 to 2 inches of the soil dry between waterings. Feed the plant monthly in spring through fall with a well-balanced, all-purpose fertilizer. Pothos tolerates any type of lighting situation, including bright windows and dark corners.


    • Commonly called mother-in-law's tongue, sansevieria has long, pointed leaves with mottled green centers edged in yellow or white. Provide sansevieria with bright, indirect light, such as from an eastern or southern window. Water the plant when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil dries. Avoid overwatering sansevieria, because the plant is sensitive to root rot. Feed the plant monthly from late spring through fall with an all-purpose, well-balanced fertilizer.

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