Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Nutrients for a Cedar Tree

    • Cedar trees can grow in many areas.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

      Growing cedar trees in the yard or garden adds biodiversity and habitat for animals like birds, which lose nesting sites due to deforestation. Additionally, trees planted along a slope can help stop erosion because their root systems hold soil in place. Cedar trees are hardy plants that can grow in many areas with the proper nutrients to ensure good health.


    • One of the necessary nutrients for growing trees is nitrogen, which plays an important role in successful plant development. Nitrogen is one of the essential parts of amino acids, which help build protein. Adding fertilizers or compost that are heavy in nitrogen to the soil around a cedar tree of any age will help it grow better, because nitrogen is used in almost every main function of growth.


    • Potassium is a nutrient needed by any leafy plant, including cedar trees. One of its functions involves regulation of the tree's respiration, including allowing air and water vapor into and out of the leaves. A fertilizer or compost mix that includes potassium helps to keep the tree healthy and capable of respiration. Cedar trees with a potassium deficiency are weakened and more likely to be susceptible to illness and yellowing of the leaves.


    • Like potassium, phosphorus is also involved in plant respiration. Some of its other functions involve photosynthesis, the transfer of energy and transporting water throughout the plant. Soil that is rich in phosphorus helps cedar trees utilize nutrients more effectively, which helps the plant grow well and resist disease. Many fertilizers provide a balanced combination of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which creates a healthier soil for cedar trees to grow in.

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