Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

Fire Safety Legislation at Football Stadiums

One of the worst places where fire can occur is in a packed football stadium. Aside from the high possibility of having thousands of casualties, the cost of damages which can be caused by the fire may involve millions and even billions. Such tragedy can cause panic not only among the individuals who are present when the disaster strikes but the entire nation as well. In order to help prevent worst case scenarios, Fire Safety Legislation has been put to place. Under such legislation, the installation of fire exits and other fire signs have now becomes mandatory.

Fire Safety Legislation at Football Stadiums

Over the past few decades, the UK has been through several legislations. Today, specific rules and regulations have been developed. These laws primarily aim to protect spectators from risks in case of fire before, during and after every football game. It also seeks to prevent panic and chaos during fire disaster to reduce the probability of having high number of casualties.

Safety Signs

Among the rules specified in the legislation in stadiums is the posting of signage such as "Fire exit". Also, the development of a tried and tested stadium contingency plan has been required. This traffic flow during fire plan must be posted in obvious and visible portions of the stadium.

Another important sign which must be installed is the "No smoking" signs in areas where smoking cigarette can trigger fire. The rule on "No smoking" must be strictly implemented by the stadium's safety and security management group.

Signs such as "No combustible materials inside" are also necessary to warn spectators that they absolutely cannot bring in any material which can cause fire or explosion. This signage can be placed in the entrance and exit areas.


Regulations set by the legislation must be strictly complied with by football stadiums. Failure to follow such rules can bring about penalties such as imprisonment and payment of determined fines.

Where to purchase Fire Safety Signs for Football Stadiums

There are certain standards when it comes to the manufacture of fire safety signs for stadiums. These standards may vary depending on the region where such football stadium is located. Some fire signs which are required in certain regions are not required in others. You can know more about the fire signs required in your area by visiting the fire safety legislation site.

In order to purchase the right fire safety signs which is required in your area, remember to buy only from online websites which are based in UK. Manufacturers from your own country definitely know what standards must be met so you can prevent penalties.

Also, it is best to buy fire safety signs from sites with good client standing. This goes to show that the manufacturers make good fire safety signs which satisfy their clients.

The safety of every person in the football stadium is a priority. Install fire safety signs now.
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