- 1). Lay out the shape of the walkway with rope, making it as wide as you like. Excavate the entire walkway area with a trenching spade to the depth of approximately 3 inches. Rake smooth.
- 2). Dig trenches 8 1/2 inches wide and 5 inches deep along both edges of the walkway site using the trenching spade.
- 3). Verify trench depth by standing up one of the 8-by-4-by-2 brick pavers in the trench. The top of the paver should stand 3 inches above ground level. Repeat for the other trench. Adjust the depth of the trenches if necessary.
- 4). Line each walkway trench with strips of landscape fabric. Overlap the strips by approximately 6 inches, and push the edges of the fabric into the trench.
- 5). Place the brick pavers horizontally in each edging trench, leaving no gaps between them. Pack soil behind and under each brick with a trowel, and adjust bricks as you go to keep them even. Tap each paver gently with a mallet to help them set into the soil. The pavers create a decorative outline for the walkway and hold in the walkway material.
- 6). Spread loose-fill material, such as gravel or small rock, on the walkway, adding as you go until it the material sits slightly above ground level. Level the walkway with a garden rake by gently raking the loose-fill material until even.