Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

A Steady Rest - The Secret to Sleeping Well!

Everyone has problems sleeping sooner or later.
I'll bet everyone who's reading this article right now can remember at least one time when they've experienced insomnia, problems falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up and unable to go back to sleep! Regardless of what category you fall into there are secrets to sleep that can make you go to bed, fall asleep almost immediately, sleep deeply and wake up as refreshed as a baby! On many occasions you don't even have to sleep for 8 hours.
The most important thing one must remember in order to sleep healthy is that every person has sleeping cycles or periods during the night when they can sleep best! This is usually between 9-11pm.
To find out when your best period of sleep is, simply head to bed around 9 pm, don't immediately try and fall asleep as this is where most problems occur! The best sleep occurs when people aren't trying to fall asleep! The best sleep is when you least expect it and that's the key + going to sleep between 9-11p.
You see your body and mind are "programmed" by nature to be sober during the day and sleep during the night.
And night is that time when your organism transitions into the sleep cycle.
That's when its best to head to bed because you will sleep deeply, guaranteed! Its about finding that moment when your body is in its cycle and going with the flow.
The problem however is that most people due to hectic lifestyles work all day and want to relax and go out during the night.
The problem with this is that after 12 am the body starts to wake up again if you haven't been sleeping and when one tries to fall asleep after that time then the body must change its sleeping cycle once again.
This is not a problem if it occurs once in awhile but repeated routines that keep changing sleeping patterns can have disastrous effects.
The most common is insomnia.
People relate insomnia to stress related issues and this is true but sleeping cycles are more important in this case because its your biology that programs how your body reacts during different times of the day.
Once that is ruined through repeated changes such as going to bed late and not sleeping enough then the body goes through a "breakdown" stage in which is can no longer coexist with your lifestyle and it starts to show like insomnia.
This is where psychology starts to act on the person and insomnia may take place.
But we are all human and life has to be enjoyed.
Going to bed every day so early is just not something people want to do.
So what's the best solution? The best solution is to try and go to bed at the recommended time at least 3 times a week.
Make sure the three days you choose are in order (ex: Mon-Wed, Fri-Sun, and so on).
That way your body can properly shut down, recover and continue repeating this process for three days straight.
That will improve your sleep, well being and your health.
You will feel energized, rested, and ready to engage the day ahead! I've had times where I went to bed at 2a.
m and woke up the next morning at 1p.
m and felt drowsy and unsatisfied with my sleep.
Then there were times where I went to sleep at 10p.
m, woke up at 6a.
m and felt like I had just slept for days.
Remember its not about the number of hours you sleep, its about when you go to sleep that fits in with your biology that counts.
You will get a much better effect from sleeping if you go to bed between 9-11p.
m than you would if you go to bed after 12a.
And best of all, you will know what healthy sleep is once you wake up.
I neglected to mention this but drinking coffee can also screw up your sleeping cycles.
Say you go to bed late and wake up early to go to work.
Obviously you did not sleep enough and you're still drowsy.
This is your body's way of telling you it wasn't enough and it needs more and while the body is still in the tired state you amp it up with coffee completely changing your feeling.
You may feel woken up but this does damage to your sleeping cycle and it does accumulate.
As I said before the best sleep is when you least expect it.
If you go to bed saying "Ok, I am ready to sleep" its not going to happen quickly I assure you.
Again go to bed between 9-11p.
Turn on the television or read a book.
If you turn on the T.
V, keep the volume low as it will help to relax you.
You will fall asleep fast, sleep like a baby, and wake up without any resistance! Often time you can even sleep for an hour and still get the benefit of an 8 hour sleep if you properly follow the standard above.
Contrarily you can go to bed late, sleep for god only knows how many hours and wake up unsatisfied with your rest.
You will feel like an empty hull.
Have you ever noticed how quickly and deeply babies fall asleep? This is because they go to sleep early.
As we grow up, our lifestyle changes that impacts our routines of going to sleep.
Our lifestyle may change throughout the years, but your biology does not and from the day you are born to the day you die, there are certain routines and cycles that your body will require that you obey, in this case sleeping cycles.
Following the guidelines above will improve your sleep, health and your well being.
Good luck and have a great night sleep!
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