Many dogs like nothing better to paddle about in mud or roll in the dirt. In fact, rolling in dirt is one way that dogs use to clean themselves. This might be fine for a dog in the wild, but when it is a pet that comes inside it will leave muddy footprints or dirt all over your floor and furniture. In fact, you won't even be able to pat it without getting dirty fingers. Dog cleaning is essential if your family and your dog are to stay healthy.
In fact, a dirty dog often attracts fleas and is more likely to develop skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema. It can get infected skin or infections in its ears. The next thing you know you are off to the vet where you have to pay a great deal for an inspection and treatment of the problem. You also have to work harder and use more products to keep the house clean.
But you can avoid such unpleasant problems if you spend time in bathing and grooming your dog. It will be a lot more pleasant to have around too, as dirty dogs are really smelly, especially in wet weather. You have a dog for companionship, but if it smells you won't want to stay anywhere around it. And even if the kids don't mind the smell, they will soon carry that same smell, if they spend much time with their pet.
Dog flea treatment [] usually includes bathing the dog to get it clean, then treating it with something to kill the fleas. Once you get the fleas off the dog, you have to treat the surrounding areas for flea eggs and larvae, and even for adult fleas. Fleas can easily migrate from outside to inside, so treating your whole house for them will take a great deal of time and energy.
How much easier and more pleasant your life will be if you ensure that your dog is clean at all times. Once way to do this without too much trouble is to use a dog hydrobath []. Most dogs love to sit in that bath and have warm water sprayed all over them. It takes the fear of bathing away for those dogs who hate baths.
Of course, you don't buy a bath like this; you hire a person who has one to come and do the job for you. That saves you the trouble of doing the job yourself and ensures that Fido is nice and clean at all times. Then you only have to apply the flea protection, whether as a collar or a pour-on application is up to you. And owning a dog will once again be pleasant.
In fact, a dirty dog often attracts fleas and is more likely to develop skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema. It can get infected skin or infections in its ears. The next thing you know you are off to the vet where you have to pay a great deal for an inspection and treatment of the problem. You also have to work harder and use more products to keep the house clean.
But you can avoid such unpleasant problems if you spend time in bathing and grooming your dog. It will be a lot more pleasant to have around too, as dirty dogs are really smelly, especially in wet weather. You have a dog for companionship, but if it smells you won't want to stay anywhere around it. And even if the kids don't mind the smell, they will soon carry that same smell, if they spend much time with their pet.
Dog flea treatment [] usually includes bathing the dog to get it clean, then treating it with something to kill the fleas. Once you get the fleas off the dog, you have to treat the surrounding areas for flea eggs and larvae, and even for adult fleas. Fleas can easily migrate from outside to inside, so treating your whole house for them will take a great deal of time and energy.
How much easier and more pleasant your life will be if you ensure that your dog is clean at all times. Once way to do this without too much trouble is to use a dog hydrobath []. Most dogs love to sit in that bath and have warm water sprayed all over them. It takes the fear of bathing away for those dogs who hate baths.
Of course, you don't buy a bath like this; you hire a person who has one to come and do the job for you. That saves you the trouble of doing the job yourself and ensures that Fido is nice and clean at all times. Then you only have to apply the flea protection, whether as a collar or a pour-on application is up to you. And owning a dog will once again be pleasant.