- 1). Earn a CRS designation. CRS is an acronym for Certified Residential Specialist. There are two programs to pursue to earn a basic CRS designation. One entails the completion of 75 transactions within 5 years or $25 million dollars in sales within any 5 years of business, plus successful completion of eight units of course study. The second option is to complete 25 transactions within 5 years, or $8 million (10 transactions) of business within 2 years, plus successful completion of 10 units of course study. Instead of earning a CRS designation, another option is to earn the CBR designation (see Step 2).
- 2). Earn a CBR designation. The Council of Real Estate Brokerage Manager, or CBR, is an exclusive professional organization. To earn the designation, the applicant must first meet minimal qualification requirements. He must earn 12 credits: At least one, but no more than four credits must be in management. An applicant can then earn a credit for each previously earned designation, such as ABR, CRS, ABRM, ALC, ARM, CCIM, CIPS, CPM, CRE, SIOR and PMN. The remaining units are earned through CBR coursework.
- 3). Join CREA after you've completed either Step 1 or 2. Membership requires you to complete an application and pay an annual fee. Lifetime memberships are also available, which require no annual fee. You can join online (see Resources).