- The deviantART emoticon collection includes dozens of fairly standard emoticons. There are graphical versions of all the classic ASCII emoticons -- such as :-), =D and :( -- as well as a number of others with no traditional counterpart. Some, such as :furious:, :ohnoes: or :hmm: are simple static images, but the majority wiggle, blink, move about or otherwise animate. Among these are :stupidme: who continually hits himself with a hammer, :dalove: who embraces the deviantART logo while hearts float upward and :sadangel: whose wings fall off as he walks along.
- A number of emoticons reflect aspects of the deviantART culture and community, or are meant to be used in site-specific ways. Some, such as :fellaleft:, :job: and :resume: feature the community's mascot, Fella, performing various tasks or simply standing about. The emoticons :daprints:, :film: and :devart: depict the website's logo in different contexts. A few depict site activity --- :deviation: shows an artist stroking and kissing her latest masterpiece, while :FAQ: reminds users to check the site's Frequently Asked Questions page with an animation of an inquisitive smiley being beaten over the head with a giant question mark.
- Many prominent deviantART users or administrators have emoticons associated with themselves. These usually are a tiny rendition of the user's avatar, such as those for :fuzzydemon:, :kevin: and :spyed:. Scott Jarkoff has several emoticons of his yellow alien avatar, including :santajark:, featuring it in a red-and-white hat, :jarkinajar:, with the alien suspended in fluid and :spyedvsjark:, depicting Jark and Spyed's alien and ninja facing off with drawn swords.
- The vast majority of deviantART emoticons are assorted images, many of which defy categorization. Several animals, including a :frog:, a :fish: and a :mechabug: are available for use in user's comments, as are national flags such as :flagus: and :flagcanada:. Many food items appear as emoticons, including a :donut:, :toast:, :cheese:, a jar of :spam: and a bottle of :Absolut: vodka. Also included are a :lightbulb:, a :ufo: the Pokémon :pokeball:, a rather wide :couch: and a smiley character walking through a :gallery: of art.
Expressions and Moods
deviantART People
Other Stuff