- 1). Straighten your spine into an erect yet relaxed posture: Stand up straight with your chin down in a natural position. Bring your shoulders comfortably back and tuck in your pelvis just slightly. Imagine there is a string attached to the top of your head that is pulling you up to the ceiling.
- 2). Breathe in deeply and exhale fully as you sing. Place your hands on your waist and feel your ribcage expanding while your lungs fill with air. Focus on taking deep breaths and expelling all the air at once. Inhale for four counts and exhale in two.
- 3). Support your breathing with a firm push from your diaphragm, the large muscle just below your lungs. Use your diaphragm to work your lungs so that the sound inside can come out and be heard. Support plays a role in tone quality and pitch as well.
- 4). Focus your tone. Before you sing, do vocal warm-up exercises to push the sound up and out through your nasal cavity. Sing a scale with a "nyah, nyah" sound, just like a child does at the playground. This will not sound pretty, but it focuses your tone and pitch. Get the tone to come up between your teeth and out during your warm-up, and your performance itself will sound beautiful.