Business & Finance Corporations

Work at Home! What Keeps Us in the Cubicle?

The media has everyone frightened.
They are filling their shows with tales of consumer woe and predictions of a pending recession.
Several major banks have closed their doors and other major financial institutions have laid off thousands of employees.
People are no longer working for the same company for 30 years, then retiring to sit back on rocking chairs.
This uncertainty has gotten many people considering starting their own work at home business.
But many of them will never make step away from the discomfort of their cubicle.
There have been many polls taken to document the disgruntled workers opinions about working for someone else.
Yet, most people will never confront that unhappiness and actually start their own work at home business.
The number one reason is fear.
People fear starting to work at home and having to close the doors to their business in less than two years.
It has less to do with financial fears than it does with what having to give up the business says about their own character.
Most people fear what others will say if their work at home business fails.
They think it will reflect negatively on their character.
The truth is quite the contrary.
Anyone who is brave enough to start their own work at home business should be commended.
It takes a very strong person to believe in their own abilities enough to brave the unknown future on their own.
Another reason people never leave the discomfort of the cubicle is because of the financial inability.
Lack of money keeps a lot of great ideas from moving from simple thoughts to reality.
Most people are under the impression that they have to possess hundreds of thousands of dollars to start their own business.
This is also not true.
There are tons of work at home business ideas that can be started in the comfort of your own home and expanded gradually.
All of these ideas can be pursued as you continue to lean back on the financial security of your day job.
The other major obstacle is uncertainty.
Uncertainty contains a degree of fear that keeps people from venturing beyond the cubicle.
A job seems to be certain to bring in a paycheck every week or every two weeks.
This is a huge myth that should have been debunked in everybody's mind after the recent bankruptcies of these major corporations.
Surely, their employees were expecting to receive those paychecks as long as they wanted.
Now, they are forced to generate income by other means.
Why allow fear, uncertainty, and limited funding to keep you from building your work at home business? The greatest business were started on a shoestring budget and against all odds.
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