Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How To Keep Your Dog From Digging Up Your Garden

If you have given up on gardening because your dog has dug up all the plants you so painstakingly planted, this article is for you.
Follow the tips given in this article to teach your dog to stay away from the garden and deter him from digging.
Soon you will be enjoying time outdoors with your dog and your garden.
Spend time outdoors with your dog if he is a digger.
Not allowing your dog a bunch of time alone can be a huge help in curbing that digging gene that some dogs seem to have.
Some dog owners will actually build a digging box for their dog.
This is an area similar to a sand box that can be filled with sand or dirt.
It is a place where your dog is encouraged to dig and have a good old time trying to find its way to the other side of the earth.
Using a repellent can be a big help when it comes to dogs that just won't stay out of the flower beds or other planting areas.
Check with your local pet stores as well as garden stores for a product that will deter your dog from even entering the area.
There are products like Dog Be Gone that will not hurt your dog but put off an odor that your dog finds objectionable.
Burying chicken wire in your garden is also a possibility however I would not want to take a chance that my dog might tear its paws on the sharp wire while digging.
Another reason for not using this method even though I have heard some trainers suggest it is the fact that your entire planting areas must be dug up to install the wire.
That sounds like way to much work.
If all else fails, build a simple fence around your garden or even better yet have an invisible underground type fence installed to keep your dog out of your garden areas.
After the installation your dog will wear a small collar that will give it a small correction if it tries to enter these designated garden and planting areas.
I have given you several strategies to try to keep your dog from digging up your garden.
If one doesn't work, keep trying until you find one that does.
You don't have to sacrifice your love of gardening for the sake of your pup.
By using the tips given here you will be able to enjoy both the garden and your dog.
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