The facial massage therapy you receive from a therapeutic massage spa gives you not just beauty benefits but will also improve your health. You should, therefore, never think that facial massage therapy is inferior to reflexology massage therapy, Swedish massage therapy, deep tissue massage therapy or pregnancy massage therapy. The good news is that you can ask for any or all of these massage therapy modalities from a professional therapeutic massage spa in Beaverton if you are a resident of Washington County, Clackamas, Keizer, Lake Oswego, Portland, Tualatin, Sherwood or Vancouver WA.
Clare Maxwell-Hudson, owner of The Clare Maxwell-Hudson School of Massage in London and author of six bestselling books on massage, writes on the many benefits of facial massage therapy. Beauty wise, she says facial massage erases tension that can make a face look drawn. With facial massage, she says, "the face opens like a flower. We break through the barriers, allowing the real and inner beauty that we all possess to shine through."
The relaxation brought by facial massage has more than beauty benefits, though. Maxwell-Hudson points out that massage clients often consciously or unconsciously resist relaxation during a massage session. They are less defensive during facial massage, though, and this conscious or unconscious resistance is more readily surrendered. The client is, therefore, able to maximize the session.
Maxwell-Hudson adds that facial massage benefits not just the face but also the entire body by providing the brain with sensory information that it then disseminates all over the body. This occurs because the sense of sight, hearing, smell and taste are mainly located in the head and face. Touching the face also sends sensory information to the brain. The brain, in turn, processes information from the senses and translates these for the circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system and musculo-skeletal system.
The soothing effects of facial massage can translate into pain relief. Maxwell-Hudson had a client who was in constant pain after going through several surgeries due to a broken kneecap. Facial massage relieved her pain.
Maxwell-Hudson also tells of clients who have gained mental strength as well as creative insights from facial massage. One of her clients was having a difficult time deciding on whether or not to undergo a certain surgery. Facial massage therapy gave him the courage to decide in favour of the operation.
Another client of Maxwell-Hudson was a painter and theater set designer who asked for facial massage therapy whenever her creativity and imagination felt blocked. The client declared that facial massage resulted in clear images in her mind.
Still another client was a businessman who claimed that after worrying over a business problem for weeks, the solution just popped into his mind during a facial massage session when he was not even thinking about the problem.
According to Maxwell-Hudson, the facial massage technique she recommends combines strong strokes with a very light touch. The strong staccato strokes should be used in the early part of the facial massage in order to release tension from the face. The lighter touch, on the other hand, then further relaxes the face.
There are several types of facial massage styles taught in The Clare Maxwell-Hudson School of Massage. These include basic facial massage, facial reflexology, facial acupressure, muscle energizing facial massage and the Vodder manual lymph drainage of the face.
Get facial massage therapy from a reputable therapeutic massage spa and enjoy how beautiful it makes you feel while relieving your aches and pains and stimulating your creativity. You may also enjoy reflexology massage therapy, Swedish massage therapy, deep tissue massage therapy or pregnancy massage therapy from that therapeutic massage spa in Beaverton.
Clare Maxwell-Hudson, owner of The Clare Maxwell-Hudson School of Massage in London and author of six bestselling books on massage, writes on the many benefits of facial massage therapy. Beauty wise, she says facial massage erases tension that can make a face look drawn. With facial massage, she says, "the face opens like a flower. We break through the barriers, allowing the real and inner beauty that we all possess to shine through."
The relaxation brought by facial massage has more than beauty benefits, though. Maxwell-Hudson points out that massage clients often consciously or unconsciously resist relaxation during a massage session. They are less defensive during facial massage, though, and this conscious or unconscious resistance is more readily surrendered. The client is, therefore, able to maximize the session.
Maxwell-Hudson adds that facial massage benefits not just the face but also the entire body by providing the brain with sensory information that it then disseminates all over the body. This occurs because the sense of sight, hearing, smell and taste are mainly located in the head and face. Touching the face also sends sensory information to the brain. The brain, in turn, processes information from the senses and translates these for the circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system and musculo-skeletal system.
The soothing effects of facial massage can translate into pain relief. Maxwell-Hudson had a client who was in constant pain after going through several surgeries due to a broken kneecap. Facial massage relieved her pain.
Maxwell-Hudson also tells of clients who have gained mental strength as well as creative insights from facial massage. One of her clients was having a difficult time deciding on whether or not to undergo a certain surgery. Facial massage therapy gave him the courage to decide in favour of the operation.
Another client of Maxwell-Hudson was a painter and theater set designer who asked for facial massage therapy whenever her creativity and imagination felt blocked. The client declared that facial massage resulted in clear images in her mind.
Still another client was a businessman who claimed that after worrying over a business problem for weeks, the solution just popped into his mind during a facial massage session when he was not even thinking about the problem.
According to Maxwell-Hudson, the facial massage technique she recommends combines strong strokes with a very light touch. The strong staccato strokes should be used in the early part of the facial massage in order to release tension from the face. The lighter touch, on the other hand, then further relaxes the face.
There are several types of facial massage styles taught in The Clare Maxwell-Hudson School of Massage. These include basic facial massage, facial reflexology, facial acupressure, muscle energizing facial massage and the Vodder manual lymph drainage of the face.
Get facial massage therapy from a reputable therapeutic massage spa and enjoy how beautiful it makes you feel while relieving your aches and pains and stimulating your creativity. You may also enjoy reflexology massage therapy, Swedish massage therapy, deep tissue massage therapy or pregnancy massage therapy from that therapeutic massage spa in Beaverton.