Health & Medical Healthy Living

Free & Safe Home Remedies to Unclog Arteries

    What To Eat

    • Eat foods high in fiber. According to the American Heart Association, fiber can remove plaque from your arterial walls. (Plaque is formed when too much harmful cholesterol (LDL) is in the bloodstream.) Fiber rich foods include whole grains such as oats, barley, whole wheat, brown rice and quinoa; legumes (beans) and lentils; fresh or flash frozen fruits and vegetables; foods that contain plant sterols such as soy foods (tofu, tempeh and soy beans).

      Eat whole grains for breakfast. Oatmeal or barley are the most beneficial for unclogging arteries, according to the USDA. Add some sliced fresh apple and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a nutritious breakfast. If you don't care for cooked grains, choose a cereal that lists whole grains as the first ingredient.

      Choose broth based soups. Healthy cooking methods include steaming, poaching, grilling and baking (without excess oils). Drink water, tea and fruit juice for beverages. Eat plain yogurt and add your own fruit in instead of buying prepared, highly sweetened varieties.

      Take a supplement of red yeast rice, according to The Asian Journal. This is a Chinese herb that contains the cholesterol reversing statin, lovastatin. Check with your doctor first, however. This supplement has not been approved by the FDA.

    What Not To Eat

    • Avoid, or limit, foods containing saturated or trans fats. These foods clog your arteries and are high in LDL (low density lipoprotein), also known as "bad" cholesterol. Foods high in saturated fats, according to the USDA, include red meats and organ meats; egg yolks; animal products; whole fat dairy and hardened fats. Hardened fats include shortening and partially hydrogenated oils.

      Avoid, or limit, cream sauces.

      Trans fats are found in commercially prepared baked goods including pies, cakes, brownies, pastries and energy bars. These fats, according to the USDA, affect your body the same way that saturated fats do.

    Increase Physical Activity

    • Increase your level of physical activity. Take charge and become involved in controlling your health by participating in a variety of exercises known for their cardiovascular benefits. These, according to the Mayo Clinic and the American Heart Association, include walking, running, paddling, bicycling, dancing and gardening. The exercise does not have to be strenuous to be beneficial. Any increase in your current level of activity will help unclog your arteries.

      Walking 30 minutes a day for 5 days is recommended by the American Heart Association. Walking is convenient and requires very little other than a good pair of walking shoes. Start slowly and gradually increase your pace and duration.

      Water aerobics can provide an all body workout without all the strain of land-based exercises, according to Water does not impact your joints, which is why it is often recommended as physical therapy. Water also provides a natural resistance workout, which helps increase both your overall muscle strength and your cardiovascular system.

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