- According to Pit Bulls.org, the most commonly found mixed pit bull breed is the pit bull Labrador mix. This is a combination that is often found in a shelter or rescue home, though the organization does not attribute to why this is. Pit bull Labradors will have a variety of temperaments and colorings, including black, brown, yellow or golden colorings.
- Another common breed that is mixed with a pit bull terrier is the Rottweiler. Sometimes, this mixed breed is called a Pitweiler. These dogs must be socialized well to fit into a public setting, due to their natural genetic temperaments. These dogs also must be trained at an early age, but are relatively easy to care for. A Pitweiler must be treated well, as it is prone to remembering mistreatment for a very long time.
- Another breed that people might find often mixed with a pit bull is a Dachshund. Sometimes called a Dox-Bull, these dogs make cuddly, sweet family pets that also have a desire to please their owners. This mix of pit bull does require frequent exercise, however the dog is not known to bark very often. A Dox-Bull is an intelligent dog, but it is known to be a bit stubborn at times.
- A Boxer is another breed of dog that is mixed with pit bulls. This mixed breed is sometimes called a Pitoxer, and owners must be careful to feed this dog the correct amount of food as it is prone to weight gain and joint issues. The Pitoxer has a good temperament around its family. However, it should be allowed to introduce itself slowly to strangers, as it is a loyal and protective dog.