Health & Medical Hearing

Cure Tinnitus - Current Situation

When the actual cause of tinnitus is recognized, it might be likely to cure tinnitus.
In other words, if tinnitus is linked to an ear disease, treat this ear disease and the symptoms usually go away.
Some folks say their condition was cured because the symptoms went away, while other folks claim their health trouble was cured which made their tinnitus symptoms go away.
A number of people have too much earwax, and this can block the outside sound.
You need to have a medical doctor or ear specialist remove this excess earwax, and your tinnitus should disappear then too.
Some say that removing the cerumen can be a tinnitus cure.
People who experience repression of symptoms by the removal of cerumen say they feel like they are cured, naturally cured.
Numerous people with serious hearing loss find relief with a cochlear implant.
The cochlear implant not only helps people hear the outside world, but it also helps to diminish tinnitus.
This is not an actual cure, but it has been shown to provide greatly needed relief of these symptoms.
Drug Therapy As a Tinnitus Cure Drug therapy can provide tinnitus relief.
Be advised that some drugs actually cause tinnitus.
Always discuss any treatment options with your physician.
Certain treatments may be used to cure the frequency and intensity of your tinnitus.
These treatments include medications, surgical procedures, and electrical stimulation.
They are not considered as a cure for tinnitus.
Masking is a procedure that has proven to be effective in treating tinnitus.
Masking is a non-medical option that is used to reduce or mask the unwelcome noise.
Tinnitus maskers are used to create a white neutral sound called white noise.
Over 60% of patients report extreme relief with this method.
Masking devices will not work for everyone.
You need to consult a qualified audiologist before trying this technique.
Again, masking is not considered a cure for tinnitus.
Biofeedback is a tinnitus treatment that teaches people to control specific body functions, including muscle tension, pulse, and skin temperature.
The aim in using biofeedback for treatment is to reduce stress and anxiety levels that may be causative to tinnitus.
Biofeedback has a history of 25 years of successful treatment for pain and stress-related disorders.
Some people embrace biofeedback as a tinnitus cure.
Natural Remedies As a Tinnitus Cure Alternative practices such as acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, and osteopathy have been researched in some cases but does not claim to cure tinnitus.
These methods have been proven to improve a person's overall health and well being, which helps them deal with their tinnitus symptoms more easily and effectively.
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