Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Constipation - Some Ways to Relieve It

Obviously, constipation is a condition which involves the digestive system.
A patient experiencing constipation usually suffers having hard stools that are quite difficult to expel.
Constipation generally occurs because the colon absorbed too much water from the food, making the feces dry and hard.
In some cases, defecation is quite difficult and painful.
There can be some instances wherein constipation is a symptom of an underlying medical condition such as bowel obstruction.
Aside from absorbing too much water, constipation may also occur when the muscles in the colon are not contracting at the pace like it normally does.
The contraction is slow that the feces are not able to move about.
Constipation is quite common and anybody can possibly experience having constipation.
There are numerous causes of constipation and one would be lacking intake of fiber.
People who are consuming adequate amount of fiber in their diet are less likely to suffer from constipation because fiber facilitates bowel movement.
Foods that have low fiber content such as meat, cheese, fatty foods, and eggs should be limited in the diet because this will not help much to relieve or to avoid constipation.
On the other hand, you need to increase your consumption of foods that are rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, wheat, and whole grains because these foods contain a lot of fiber which can help in relieving and preventing constipation.
Another reason why a person would experience constipation is because it has been a side effect of a certain drug that they are taking.
Drugs such as narcotics, antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, and diuretics can cause constipation.
Some people who are frequently using laxatives or those who are abusing laxatives will also experience constipation because the normal functioning of their colon is already affected.
Aside from those mentioned, milk and other dairy products can also cause constipation.
Thus, it would be advisable to limit your intake especially if you are frequently experiencing constipation.
Another common cause of constipation is inactivity.
Those who are living a sedentary lifestyle or those who are not engaged in physical activities are the ones who are often experiencing constipation.
According to experts, physical activity is necessary in order to keep the metabolic rate at high levels and prevent constipation.
Consider having a regular exercise or you might want to consider exercising through the use of a Swiss ball.
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